Get in

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I called my mom while leaving school, letting her now that I would be visiting a friend.
The more exact description would be that I was going to take a bus to Bryan, asking him why the hell he would've lied about the party and why he left me alone. I know that he could've just been drunk and that drunk people act without thinking, but I was still pissed. I texted Bryan to let him now I was coming and his answer was:
Alright baby <3

He opens the door as soon as I ring the bell. I look at him tired.
"Hm? How are you Y/N?"
I enter the house, I was irritated but as long as he had some minor explanation about his lies then I'd be okay. I would buy it if he simply said that he was embarassed that he got drunk or something.
He looked at me nervously as I stood in his hallway.
"Jude told me... about the first day we went to a party. You lied to me... you took all the credit and acted as if you were the one to be there for me.."
"I...I was just.. I got drunk... I'm really sorry. I wasn't supposed to, I wanted to take you home safely but Max talked me into a few drinks. And... it was in the beginning of our... relation, I didn't want to mess it up..."
I sigh but nod.
"Okay... yeah okay its fi-" I interrupt myself as I look up at him, noticing a mark on his throat.
"What is that?" I mumble, he quickly puts his hand over the mark, acting as if he's scratching the skin.
"Oh just... just a bite" he swallows before looking around.
"A bite? Oh from a human?" I look at him with big eyes, is it a hickey? I try to take his hand away from the mark and I manage to do it.
"A hickey? Are you serious?"
"Its not what you-"
"Cut the crap Bryan, I wasn't anywhere near you while concious last night to be able to do that" I shake my head, backing a bit.
"Y/N... I was drunk..."
I look up at him, raising my eyebrows.
"Oh yeah you were drunk huh... wow. I expected a lot more from you. How stupid of me"
"Y/N please... I promise you it meant nothing!"
"You know that's not making things better you... dipshit" I mumble the last word, taking a deep breath.
"Thank you, that was everything I needed right now. A big fat slap in the face before the championship" I open the door.
"Y/N... we can work this out..." he stands in the opening, not really stepping outside but still being able to feel the wind in his hair.
"Sit on a stick Bryan" I give him a smile before slamming the door infront of him, from the outside.

I'm so blind and stupid. I shake my head, of course I was just something new for him to try out. The next bys doesn't arrive until the next hour so I decide to walk home, which is a long way but I tell myself that I'll manage. I feel the rain pouring, at first lightly but then hard. The dropets get bigger and faster. Thats when the devastation hits me, I wasn't head over heels for Bryan but I showed him emotions which I rarely did romantically to anyone. I cried because he tricked me and because I was so easy to fool. I cried because he made me vunearable and because he chose someone else over me. I cried because it rained and I cried because I was for sure getting a cold if I continued walking home, so after walking for about 15 minutes in the rain, I decide to cover myself under a tree. I stand there, deciding that I'll continue to walk when the rain gets lighter. But it doesn't. So of course, I cry because it won't stop raining and I cry because I cry.
I raise my gaze to see if the rain has stopped, only to find it pouring harder than ever. But something else catches my eye, isn't that.... Bellingham's house? I recognise the row houses waiting further away. I don't know why but my heart made me take a run for it, my heart told me to run over to his house. Maybe he could offer me warmth in form of a cup of tea or maybe a towel. Either way, for some reason he wad the only one I wanted to see right now.
So I rang the door bell, completly wet from head to toe, tears running down my cheeks but they melted together with the cold drops of heaven.
The door opened and I looked up.
His dark voice sent me shivers down my spine, either that or it was the cold catching up on me.
"What are you waiting for? Get in"

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now