The height of the party

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What did he want? I sighed before sitting myself down beside him, still keeping my distance. I put my arms around myself, I did notice how he looked at my dress but I'm assuming he was pointing out my flaws.
"Was there something you wanted to tell me?" I look at him before turning away my gaze again.
"Not really, just trying to be nice" He says before taking another sip of his bevarage.
"So that you can manipulate me into letting you win this competition?" I shake my head.
"Not everything has to be a competition, or atleast about it"
"We are nothing to eachother without it" I notice how rude I sound so I continue.
"We've never hung out or talked to eachother since this competition began".
"I know. Then lets just continue being nothing" He looks at me, almost irritated.
"Sure, I can do that. Lets just never talk again outside of our rivalry" I stand up, he probably thinks that he can get me on his side at a party. He probably thinks that I'm the type to get drunk. I wont let him win that easy.
"You're so easy irritated, you know that?" He yells over the music after I stand up.
I clench my fists.
"Okay? And you're annoying Bellingham" I turn to him, a bit surprised when I find him smiling. He looks... satisfied? Maybe he feeds of me being irritated. Bastard. I just shake my head before storming of to the kitchen where I find Bryan with a cup in his hand.

"What do you want to do? Should we head out to the pool or would you rather stay inside and dance?" Bryan looks at me with a kind expression. I smile lightly, it was sweet of him how he talked as if we were on a date. Maybe he just wanted to hold an eye on me in case I got in trouble.
I think for a bit.
"Lets dance" I tell him before turning to the table with drinks. I pick a cup and taste it. Beer. Disgusting but oh well. I then walk with Bryan over to the "dance floor".
I take a big sip of my drink before putting in on the window frame. Then I turn to Bryan. They are playing some song from Nicki Minaj and I start dancing. At first a bit goofy but after some time I relax and let my body move freely. Weirldy enough I can't help but hope that Jude is watching me, seeing every move I make. Bryan dances with me and I can feel how we move closer to eachother.

A few songs plays before I get tired. I look up at Bryan who's cheeks are rosy. I can't tell if he is blushing or if its because of the alcohol. Alcohol! I turn around to find my cup on the window frame. I pick it up. All of this dancing has made me thirsty. Therefor I decide to chug the rest of it. It tastes weird but I mean, its beer.
"Y/N!! I'll just go and talk to the other players" he says, loud enough for me to hear.
"Sure thing, I'll take care of myself" I smile a bit before makikg my way to the wall, I lean on it, turning my gaze towards the sofa again and there he sat. Jude. He was still there and he had been watching me for a while.
I roll my eyes at him and he shakes his head. Where did Bryan go? I don't know what to do now that he left me, I'm not the one to party.

Just when I thought that the party was getting boring I heard someone yell:
The music lowers a bit, but its still loud. I see people gather around the sofa table and I approach them. I still couldn't see Bryan but I suspect he's somewhere with Max since he wasn't nearby either. I stand a few steps away from the others, deciding that I'll watch what they're doing first. Some people leave to go get some air until there's only a few of us left. So I take a seat on the sofa on the opposite side of the table from Jude.
As I said before, I wasn't the party type. Therefor I decided to earn some social point by participating.
The game in question was "never have I ever".

"Lets get started!!" Gina smiles while filling up the different cups on the table with soda and alcohol.
"So, I have this card deck with questions. If you have done what the question says, drink, if you haven't then don't do anything."
Another girl takes her cup and everyone follows, afterwards she pics up a card, reading out loud:
"Never have I ever.... cheated on someone"
Everyone goes silent before a guy I've never seen before picks up his cup and drinks.
"Wow thats... another question!" Gina lits up again and picks up another card with excitement.

A few rounds go, I drink to "never have I ever ghosted someone", "tried weed" and "gotten drunk" etc. Not that bad.
I'm on my third or fourth cup? I can't remember but the cards aren't done yet. There are a few left.
"Never have I ever....... fallen in love at the first sight"
I blink, I haven't so I put down my cup. My eyes meet with Judes and he locks his gaze with mine before raising his cup, taking a sip to indicate that he has. My stomach tingles but I don't notice it. I do get surprised though, and the alcohol in my body lets my thoughts go out loud.
"Who's the magician that managed to fix Jude some human feelings??" I chuckle before putting my hand over my mouth. I look up at him again but all I can see is his normal empty look, with some irritation in it.
But he turns his eyes away and tries not to acknowledge me anymore. The game ends and before I know it the volume of the music rises and this time my ears can't take it anymore. I try standing up but my knees bend and I fall down on the sofa again.
I mumble before putting my hand over my forehead, I feel the dizzyness taking over me as I try to stand up again.

"Hey! Slow down... take it easy" I hear a familiar voice and with the last of my energy I look up at the now kind eyes. I've never seen his with that type of concerned look on his face. It made him a lot more cute. The last thing I see before blacking out him, tall Bellingham. The height of the party.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now