This is only the beginning

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The next day I wake up to the birds singing. And someone walking around the room. I grunt, not being able to locate where I am. The smell of the pillow doesn't remind me of my own and therefor I open my eyes, blink for a few times before looking around the room. I didn't recognize it. The white walls filled with football posters where nothing at all like my green and empty ones.

"You're awake.."
I feel a thump besides me, on the bed and I look up to see a friendly smile. Bryan. Bryan??
I mumble before sitting myself up in the bed, but as soon as I move I feel a stinging headache hitting me. I grunt again. Suddenly I feel his hand over my cheek and I look up at him, a bit confused at first but his touch is... nice?
"You had too much to drink last night" he chuckles and I can't help but admire his freckles and smile.
"You, you helped me last night?"
"Yeah, I found you knocked out on the floor, I was afraid that you'd choke if you threw up so I made sure to get you away from the party safe..."
I look up at him, I remember nothing so I must've been pretty much out of myself. And he helped me...
"Bryan... I don't know how I will ever make it up to you-"
"Don't worry, just relax and I'll go get you a glass of water and some painkillers" He interrupts me and walks out of his room.

When he returns, he gives me the glass of water and the painkiller before sitting himself down beside me on his bed. I swallow the pills with the water before putting the glass besides the bed.
"When I think about it... I know a way for you to make it up to me"
I look at him surprised.
"Hmm? Okay, like what?"
"Go on a date with me"
I look at him with big eyes.
"Oh..." I think for some time, he is really nice. And cute. Maybe I should give it a chance? He helped me last night so I know he's a trustworthy person..
"Sure, when?"
"Tomorrow? We can go out for dinner, on me of course"
I nod, before smiling a bit.
"Yeah sure"
Its just a date, nothing more.

The next day we went on the date, as expected, Bryan was a gentleman and unlike the other football guys, he actually seemed interest in me and my hobbies. We ended up having a great time and we kept our contact the week after. One week has now passed and today is my first match with the team. We're going to play against a nearby city. I just changed into my football uniform and now I'm headed out to the field as our first match for the season is taking place at our homefield.

I entered the field, the others were already there waiting for me. I could see how the audience were taking their places and the other team stood on the other side of the field, talking with eachother. As soon as I approached the team I could see Bryan walking towards me.
"y/n!" He gave me his usual kind smile and I could see out of the corner of my eyes how Jude was watching us but I didn't care, something about him watching me made me want to kiss Bryan infront of him.
"Hey" I put my hand over Bryan's hip, my other one on his cheek before pressing my lips against his. This wasn't our first kiss but it still surprised him, as we've never kissed in public before. But he answered, his lips working against mine. I then pulled away, keeping the "show" short. I saw how Bryan's cheeks had turned red, cute. He got nervous around me.
I turned my gaze to the others only to find Jude further away, talking to the coach.
"Good luck"
"Hm?" I turn to Bryan again as I didn't really pay attention to his words.
"I said, good luck"
"Yeah, you too" I then walked over to the rest of the players. The coach and Jude joined us.
We did some condition practice before gathering again.

Mr Watson went through how he wanted us to play, and also warned us about certain players from the other team. He explained how the best ones played and other things that might come in hand,
"Now, I know its only the first match, but we need to get in heads strong. Play as if its the chanpionship, play as if you place in the team is depending on it" he turned to me and Jude when he said the last words. Johnson, another midfielder, was sick so today I'd be playing with Jude by my side.
"Now, I don't want to be hard on you but I have a beef with the other coach, so don't mess this up please" Mr Watson put his hands over his hips.
"Don't worry coach, we wont let you down... that is... if the misfit doesn't screw with us" Max turned to me.
"How about you shut your-" I interrupt myself before taking a deep breath.
"I'll make sure that my gender wont mess this game up coach" I glare at Max, that tall pale ugly son of a-
"Great, now take your positions before the game begins".

It annoyed me how coach didn't seem so interested in the obvious problem of sexism in our team, not even when he's a good friend of my dad. As soon as I secure my place in the team, I'll expose them all.
My mind was bubbling up in annoyance as I took my place on the field.

The other team, Riverbank, are known for playing hashly. But still they aren't even near the top on the list of good teams nearby. Their colors are yellow and black, the total opposite of ours.
I turn to Jude.
"Good luck, you'll need it"
I smile, expecting him to snap back at me like always but this time he doesn't even give me a glance. Whats this dude's problem? So annyoing.
I shake my head, the whistle blows. This is only the beginning.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now