The game is on

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Mr Watsons words echoed in my head and in the corner of my eyes I could see Jude was surprised too.
There was a moment of silence before Jude opened his mouth for the first time around me today.
"You're saying that my, previously secured place, in the team is now loose because of some..." he paused, looking at me before turning his irritated gaze at the coach again.
"Because of some person that just walked in today and had beginners luck" His voice was perfectly calm but I could hear the tone change from normal to impatient.

"Beginners luck? Are you out of your mind or do you want me to burn you again?" I say, not really thinking beforehand. Did I just say that to one of the most popular boys? I hear "Oooooo" around me from the boys, I guess that's their reaction to what I said. Jude, on the otherhand, just grunts and shakes his haid, putting all of his attention on the coach.
"Calm down, both of you. I get how you feel Jude but this is your time to show me that you've still gotten the glow. I wont be kicking you out of the team... just simply do what's best for us this championship"
Jude nods, he doesn't seem happy about it but there's nothing he can do.

Mr Watson scratches his neck before turning to me.
"And this is your turn to show me that you can actually play without relying on risks where the cances of failure and success is 50/50, we are not looking for that. Especially not now that the games are approaching" Mr Watson gives me a light smile before ending the discussion.
"Now, get out of here all of you. Training is over" and just like that the team heads torwards the exit, to their dressing room. Max stays for a moment, just watching me from a few meters away before turning around and putting on his smile again, trying to motivate the team, especially Jude, while they exit the field.

The school has already ended for the day when I'm out of the dressing room, newly showered and dressed in simple soft pants and a hoodie. I enter the empty corridor and put on my bag before slowly making my way towards the exit. I approach the door to the boys dressing room and stop as I hear my name being said.


I just got out of the shower and now I stand by my locker, changing clothes. Most of the guys in here skips showering, claiming that they will "shower at home". Disgusting. Today was the worst, and I can't get out coaches voice of my head. Sure, Y/N was great and all but she called him "Richard"?? I bet they know eachother outside school, thats why he was so nice to her.

"Y/N really thought she did something huh" Max chuckles while drying his hair with a towel. Some of the other players agrees, others mumble something unhearable.
"I get that she played good but we don't need a girl in our team, we've never needed a girl" another one says.
"For real dude, can't she just go back to shopping or something. Can't she see that she doesn't belong in this team, for obvious reasons. Right, Jude, aren't you mad too?" Bryan, the defender, looks at me. The other guys nods in agreement but I just put my t-shirt on.

"I'm mad, but not because she's a girl. I'm mad because she come out of nowhere in the middle of the year to try out for the team, just months before the championship. And I'm mad at coach for letting her possibly take my place, a place I've had forever" I take a deep breath before putting on my bag. Max agrees but says something about "but she is a girl, thats annoying too isn't it?" But I can't bother to answer so I just act like I didn't hear him and head towards the exit.

When I open the door, the first thing I see is the one person I hoped I wouldn't have to meet for the rest of the day. Y/N.


I stand there for a few minutes, trying to pick up as many words from the players without having to press my ear to the door. I hear the conversation dying and therefor decide to start walking towards the exit again but just as I move, the door opens and out comes a tall individual. Jude. At first his eyes says nothing but slowly they turn into irritation. Almost asking me why I'm standing there, in his way. I swallow before shaking my head, walking away.

"Can't you just join after the championship"
The silence breaks and Jude is the one to drop the bomb. I turn around.
"Why would I follow your orders?"
"Because I'm older than you and you should have some respect"
I let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Respect? Am I disrespecting you by playing better than you on the field?"
"Shut up, you know thats not what I meant. I mean that you can't just stomp in, have some luck and act like you own this place. Some people in our team had to fight to be there" his tone changes and he sounds more irritated than I've ever heard him.
"Luck? Lets see about luck Bellingham. Tell your hard working members that I appreciate them, because they'll be in my thoughts when I fight to take your place. See you on the field tomorrow, best of luck" I mutter before turning around, walking faster to the doors before leaving the school.
"Break a leg!" I hear him shout after me.

Asshole. Such an asshole, what is this dudes problem? Its not my fault coach decided to put us against eachother. But whatever, since he's acting like a baby I might as well win this fight. The game is on, Jude Bellingham.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now