See you there

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The next day went on slowly, I don't have anything against school but I was longing for it to end today and for training to begin.

I just finished my last lesson and was now walking with my friends Lorie and Chai to our lockers. Lorie was my emo nerd friend. She dresses like a vampire with her ripped tights, chequered skirts, black corsets and dark lipsticks. She's the coolest person I know, and the most unexpected person to love subjects like chemistry and physics. Chai on the other hand spends most of his time drawing, writing and complaining about his arab parents naming him "tea".

"Are you going straight to the field now?"
Chai looked at me as we approached the lockers, I opened mine and took out my gym bag before putting in my books.
"Yeah, I'll be there some minutes early, I'm doing everything to make coach like me more than... Jude"
"That cannot be hard, not that Jude seems like the annoying type, but he's quiet. You can't expect people to like you if you just keep quiet all the time" Lorie shrugs before closing her locker.
"Maybe you're right, but I need to stay humble. I can't let confidence get over my head or else I'll lose this chance. No way that I'll accept a defeat, I won't stop until Jude looses"
"Wow you really hate this guy huh? He's hot-"
"Chai!!" Lorie interrupets him, rolling her eyes.
"Maybe he looks good but his visuals wont help him with that personality" I sigh turning around just to see Jude walking past me with Max and some girls. Oh shit, he totally heard that.
His eyes locks with mine and Max looks at me up and down before they both look forward, finally putting an end to the awkward scene.

"I'm going to keep my mouth shut from now on, that was my fault" Chai stares at Jude's back before turning to me with an apologetic expression.
"Its okay, I couldn't care less if he heard what I said" I try to convince them, and myself. Because I know that the feeling of nervousness I just felt when Jude passed was not a sign of "no fucks given".
"Well, I need to go now... Chrissie is waiting for me outside" Lorie smiles before waving to us and walking with her bag towards the exit.
"See you tomorrow, good luck on the training" Chai gives me a hug before leaving too.

The training goes well, we do some running and penalty practice. The tension between me and Jude has grown and I can feel his irritated glance at me whenever I get the ball. He annoys me more than anyone has ever done before but I try to handle it professional. We mumble sometimes when passing eachother, mostly because he's childish, saying things like "is that all you've got?". He makes me want to rip my hair off but I try to be the bigger person, atleast when coach is around.

Mr Watson blows his whistle, indicating that today's training has ended and we gather around him. He gives out some feedback before turning to me and Jude.
"You two, keep on doing whatever you are doing. I don't stand with competitions within teams but your little fights just help you reach for success" He then gestures with his hands for us to leave.

The boys starting walking towards their exit while I stay behind, helping coach with putting away some cones.

Bryan does the same, but even though I'm focused on cleaning up so that I can leave, I can still feel his eyes on me for the most of the time. When we've put away everything I nod to him before walking to my dressing room. But the sound of his voice stops me in my tracks.
"Y/n! Wait..."
I turn around to see the blonde defendant jog up to me.
"Hm? Did I forget something?"
I look at him confused since I wasn't used to the team talking to me. Most of them liked to talk behind my back rather than to my face.
"Oh no... I was just..."
Bryan looked kind of nervous, his tan cheeks turning to a light red color.
"There's this party happening this saturday night, Max's girlfriend is holding it and since Max is our captain... well the whole team is invited. But I guess no one told you...?" He continued.
"Wow no, but its okay I have... other plans" I lie, I don't have other plans but I don't want to seem as if I'm bummed no one invited me to the party.
"Oh... okay, well if you're plans get cancelled just know that you can text me and I'll take you as my
plus one" He gave me a smile.
"But I'll need your number..." He continued before picking up his bag from the ground, he opened it and searched around with his hand before picking up his phone. His behavior towards me surprised me, atleast there's one dude in the team with some common sense. I recieved his phone and quickly wrote my number on it before giving it back.
"I'll keep you updated" I say before slowly walking away.
"Yeah, I look forward to possibly go with you" he says before turning around, walking the other way.

Even though I didn't have any plans for saturday night, I still couldn't help but ponder if I should go or not. Do I really want to ruin my weekend by seeing Jude? But if it is a party, then maybe he'll get drunk... and maybe I can use this weakness against him...
What am I thinking, am I thinking about blackmailing this dude? No I'm better than this. I'll still go though, I'll show Jude and the others that I can be a part of the team. Hopefully I'll make an alliance with Bryan. I'll text him tomorrow to tell him that my plans got cancelled. See you there, Jude.

There can only be one - Jude Bellingham x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now