I got these beliefs that I think you wanna break

Start from the beginning

"Oh, look who's here already!" Hoseok waved in their direction, clearly happy to see them after quite a long time. He was there with Yoongi, one of their old friends who graduated from the same high school. He was a part-time DJ, full-time studying music composition at SNU.

Yoongi was a thin figure with delicate features but a masculine presence, his blonde longish hair covering the two ears that proudly bore shining piercings, whereas Hoseok was the physical embodiment of a ray of sunlight, wearing a bright yellow t-shirt, highlighting his personality.

Before taking a seat at their table, Jimin pinched Taehyung's arm with his fingers, reminding him that they should, as always, focus on keeping calm around Yoongi.

Just a few months prior, Jimin had the chance of his life, or that's how he called it, to get his hands on Yoongi, hooking up at a party. Well, that didn't go exactly the way it was supposed to be, and since then, the atmosphere around Jimin and Yoongi became awkward whenever they were in each other's presence. Taehyung, knowing every detail of the story, barely managed to keep himself from laughing.

"So, how did the finals go, guys? Did you manage to apply for university? Everything ok?" Hoseok asked after both Jimin and Taehyung placed their orders, two vanilla ice-cream frappes.

"Yeah, as soon as we get the results we will know whether we have been accepted to the universities we applied to." Jimin informed excitedly. "I am quite positive I'll get accepted." He added with a confident smile lingering on his face. "All of it thanks to my precious teacher right here, Jung Hoseok, in flesh and bones."

"Oh, come on, don't thank me, I just gave you a few tricks and tips. But you are indeed talented and dedicated, Jimin, you will definitely pass and join us." Hoseok reassured him with a genial smile.

"Oh, speaking of which." Yoongi tilted his head towards Taehyung, almost startling him. "I hope you guys don't mind, I invited Yoohyeon, you must know her from the Creative Writing Club, isn't it, Taehyung?"

"Oh, yeah, she was my senior." Taehyung smiled at the memory of her. She has been an inspiration for the Writing Club. He was looking up to her, dreaming of becoming at least half as expressive as she was. "How come you know her, though?"

"We've been friends since high school. She mentioned a few times that she knew you and I figured that, you know, it would be nice for you to know someone from the same university you want to attend before starting the classes." As thoughtful as always, Yoongi offered and Taehyung could do nothing but wonder. He was such a nice person and a good friend. It was a pity that they weren't closer.

The more you get to know Yoongi, contrary to his quiet appearance, you realize that he is an authentic person, always ready to be honest with you, for the better good.

Thinking of it, Taehyung felt as if Yoongi was the most genuine person Jimin has ever been interested in, he was kind of sad it didn't work out. Well, who knew, after all, Jimin was the last to give up when he truly wanted something.

"Oh, thank you! Of course we won't mind, I do appreciate this opportunity." Taehyung sipped from his frappe enthusiastically, only to be on the verge of choking seconds later when Yoohyeon joined their table, and she was not alone.

"Hi, guys!" She joined cheerfully, mirroring Hoseok's enthusiasm. "I had to drag a few friends along since I was already out with them when I received the text from Yoongi." She explained herself and Yoongi just instructed them to attach a second table to theirs, adding a few extra chairs.

Jimin stepped on Taehyung's foot, making sure they were both on the same page, while Taehyung tried to contain himself and just smile and nod to everyone who joined the table.

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