Chapter 5

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I try to forget about what the fuck just happened while going back up to Kie's apartment. I declare that I got the goods, hand her the pack of coffee beans and sit down on the couch. I let a sigh escape and Kie turns suddenly to face me. "What was that about?" I don't really feel like talking about it so instead I just say that it's nothing. She knows me better than that obviously but she doesn't beg for details.

When the coffee's done, Kie joins me on the sofa and we continue watching the telly. I can't seem to find a comfortable position nor can I seem to get my mind off of Jess. Jess. I wonder what she's doing right now. I wonder if she's wondering what I'm doing right now. I sigh and tell Kie I need to go outside for a breath of fresh air because I feel like my brain is about to explode. She asks if everything is fine and if she can join, which of course she can it's the building she stays in after all. But I don't answer her first question, I don't know how to. Suddenly all I can think about is if I'm actually interested in girls. Maybe it's just a phase? Probably. But then again this feeling I have proves otherwise. I've never felt anything quite like it.

We compete to see who can make it to the steps first but when I'm already there, she's still fiddling with her shoes. As I go to sit down and catch my breath, I realise I'm not alone on the steps. My mind automatically thinks it's Jess. It's not. It's just someone else that lives in the block. I weirdly feel bummed out. Why? I do not know! "Fuck", I whisper so quietly that it makes me wonder if I really said it or not. Kie finally arrives and sits next to me. She hands over a muffin that we had made earlier on and we quietly eat it. I debate filling her in on what has been going on. About suddenly meeting this girl, running into her a couple of times and this weird feeling that creeps up on me whenever we exchange a few words.

"So Kie", I start slowly "I knew something was up. Is it another guy, another victim of yours?" she answers with a smirk before I could even finish the sentence. I take a breath and continue. "No heh, no i-it's not. I told you I'm not chasing men anymore." "What you started chasing women now?" she said it jokingly. I know she did. This is Kie, it's how we talk so I don't let it bother me. "Not exactly. Listen I'm only telling you this because you're my closest friend ever so don't say anything!" She looks at me in a confused way. I continue, "When I came by this morning I bumped...

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