Chapter 4

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"And I'm gay as fuck so there's that", I add with a wink as I hand her a new elastic that I had around my wrist. I'm very open about my sexuality. I've known I was a lesbian since Katy Perry's 'California Gurls'. At that point I thought everyone obsessed over girls wearing tiny doughnut bikinis and you couldn't have blamed me for looking.

I can see her brain processing what I just said and in the mean time she licks her dry lips slowly. I have quite a few ideas of what I could do to those lips if I ever had the chance. Yet I don't know her or anything about her. So why does it feel so important to know every single little detail about her. Suddenly I want to know where she grew up, if she has siblings, and then I realise that first I need to know her name. 

"What's your name anyway, stranger? I think we're over the stalking and being mysterious phase, don't you?" At this point she's trying  to open the front door but the key seems to be stuck. I give it a try myself and it opens. "You shall not pass until your name is reveal!", I declare blocking the entrance so that she literally can't pass unless she gives me a name. She sighs. "Nora".  "You shall pass mi lady"

Nora. I have a feeling Nora will be around quite often...

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