Chapter 1

23 2 3

3 months ago


Love is too romanticised. It's made out to be all flowers and stolen kisses. I, on the other hand, have had some kind of relationship with half the men in Liverpool and yet not one has made me feel special or wanted nor have I ever been served breakfast in bed or been given an annotated copy of my favourite book. Is that too much to ask for?

All these thoughts are clouding my brain as I wait for my coffee to arrive at the Costa a corner away from my apartment. I write down my thoughts in my journal, which at this point is filled with angry words towards men and some flowers scribbled at the corners of the pages. When my coffee arrives i put on my earphones and listen to some music to distract me from the rest of the world. As soon as I finish, I grab my stuff and start walking towards Kie's apartment. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember and when I start my mornings at her's the rest of the day is assured to be a great one.

I go to open the front door of the building with the spare key I have, when it creeks open. A girl around my age stands behind it from the inside. My jaw dropped. Woah. I've never seen her before so my initial thought is that she's visiting someone that lives in the same block. An over-excited "Hi!", escapes from mouth as soon as I realise that I've been straight up staring at her perfect round face and analysing her every feature. The freckles in the centre of her face. Her asymmetric nose. Her small brown eyes. How her hair is tightly secured in a ponytail. "Hey?", she answers back. Woah. Her voice. Majestic. My feet shuffle as I almost fall down the stairs behind me. I enter the building but the space is so tight that our shoulders brush against each other. My mind does a weird shut down type thing as if it ran out of battery so my mouth takes over. "I've never seen you around. Visiting someone?" I instantly regret it. Why am I so nosy? First I drool at the sight of her then I start blabbering. But her voice once again discards my thoughts from my brain.

Not So StraightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon