Chapter 4: Practice What You Preach

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"Okay then, do you have a favourite film specifically?" Ivan then asked. Morgana paused to think although Marinette knew she already had an answer.

"Well it's not a new film... but it's not old. But have you heard of the f-film... Solitude?" she asked.

If Marinette was drinking, she would've spat it out. Her eyes widened the tiniest bit, but she kept her composure. Oh boy, this was ambitious. Was she actually using the film that Adrien's mother was in? Hey, it could be her favourite film, but this seemed too convenient. She saw Adrien visibly pale at the mention of the film. She felt a tiny bit sorry for him but kept her mouth shut. She wasn't quite sure what the end goal of this was. The class seemed to ponder the film but then Lila opened her mouth.

"Oh yes, it's so great! Do you want to know a secret? I mean I am not supposed to say anything but..." she trailed off. Like moths to flames the class practically leaned in.


"Tell us!"

"I am in suspense here!"

"Oh can I-I tape this please? I want to m-make mini reviews to put into a-a vlog for film critics and your opinion would... really help. I will e-edit out the secret of course, I p-promise," Morgana said with a slight blush. How did she do that, Marinette wondered as she pretended to look interested. Lila however seemed to glow at the idea of being on a vlog and watched by so many people.

"But of course!" Lila said, practically insisting. Another pawn to control... Lila thought with a chuckle inside her head. Morgana had a small smile as she aimed her phone and hit record.

"Man, you are so generous Lila! Unlike some," Alya said with a glare in Marinette's direction. Marinette only gave a polite smile, making Alya scoff. She noticed Adrien still looked pale and very anxious with what Lila was going to say.

"And w-we are r-rolling for a r-review for the f-film, S-Solitude. Everyone i-is okay for this to be r-recorded right?" Marinette said nervously and everyone gave calls of agreement. Morgana gave a signal and Lila began her tale.

"Well yes the film Solitude is a great film. Setting, story and all sorts. But the main lead...ugh she cannot act to save her life!" Lila stated with a scoff.

"That bad huh?" Kim said with a laugh, which made Adrien feel physically sick.

"Yeah! But I was actually in Paris for a holiday around that time and they were filming there by the bridge, you know the one?" Lila said.

"Oh yes, where Andrè sometimes goes to sell!" Rose said which made everyone nod their heads in understanding.

"Well as I've told you before, I've been able to be an extra and a consultant editor for the Steven Spielberg film and the director recognised me!" Lila said with a bright smile.

"Wow no kidding?" Nino said in awe.

"That's amazing!" Nathaniel said in agreement.

"..." Juleka said or mumbled but she smiled at the comment. God, I don't think I can keep a straight face, Marinette though. By this point Adrien looked green.

"Well they asked me to help come and coach the main actress as she was again, like I said, terrible. She caused a fuss, yelled at everyone, wouldn't take direction! It was a wonder she wasn't fired. It's kinda why you don't see it around. I'm surprised you like it Morgana," Lila said and most of the class turned to her with that response. Adrien seemed to look at her desperately for some sort of reaction.

"Well, I-I like it for my own reasons. Everyone... can have a-an opinion, right? It's why I-I want you as a critic," Morgana answered, where Adrien practically deflated.

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