He started laughing hearing this. I became dumbfounded seeing him like that.

Then he controlled his laugh and said, "It's not about me

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Then he controlled his laugh and said, "It's not about me. We are in the same boat on this topic. I too hate books."

"Ohh" then I again started seeing the books.

"Abhi there are many books here. And you are saying you hate books. Then all these books are your textbooks?" I asked him.

"Manik are you serious?? These are books of Leo Tolstoy, James Patterson, J.K. Bowling, William Shakespeare, Charles dickens. Nandu loves reading so she collected all these books. She can't live without these books. She will become a drama queen if anyone touches her books or say rude comments about her books. Be careful in that thing." I just nodded and started seeing the other books.

Then I saw books regarding painting. Then I guessed these are Nandini's books as I have already seen her paintings. Then I saw many paintings among those books. I didn't know anything about painting so I asked Abhi, "Abhi all these paintings are drawn by Nandini?"

" No manik. I will explain this in Nandu's way. These paintings are done by legends, the great legends like Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol. These paintings are modern art. You know one thing Nandu almost took 1-month class to me for memorising these names. I am saying this generally, by your facial expression I can say that you don't know anything about these things. But it will be tough for you to manage her without knowing these." told Abhi in a funny way.

I just smiled at him and continued my work. Then I got bored and went to see Nandini as I didn't see her since I came here. When I went inside her room, I saw Nandini and Tarak laughing over something. They both saw me entering but ignored me as usual. This is why I despise bringing Tarak along with me. When I come with mom or someone other than Tarak we both will talk for at least two or three minutes but when he is here that would never happen not even a formal greeting. My mind mocked me 'You should have thought about this before coming here.'

I went in and sat on the couch and started hearing my brother's lame jokes. I huffed when I heard him explaining the prank he did with Mom. I think he has explained this for more than three times but whenever he says that Nandini will laugh till the tears will come out of her eyes. So the same thing is happening again. They both were laughing over that. My younger brother is doing all sorts of things to make her smile and here I am struggling to have at least a good talk with her. This is how life hits us hard. I sighed and took my phone and started scrolling my Instagram.

Few minutes after when I doing so, I heard Tarak saying, "Bhabhi you look cute when you smile like this. So do this often." What the heck is that? He was saying she looks cute. Bro, she is your Bhabhi, my wife. What? My wife!! Okay, I have to admit this, this is so weird to say these things. But I agree with Tarak's words though. She looks so beautiful when she smiles. I have always seen her bank face which almost looks sad in the past but now seeing her laughing out loud with a carefree nature gives a kind of satisfaction to me. To be frank I admired that carefree smile.

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