s p i d e r - m a n t h e p o i s o n - 5

Start from the beginning

'Dirty...dirty...don't keep standing there!' Tooki shouted playfully. Takami and Dillian looked down at the same time. They saw how webs were building up around their ankles. The bright white was sticky and wouldn't budge. Tooki came down, they both shot at him at the same time. The melting spell melted his left arm and the electricity paralyzed him for a bit. Takami melted the substances and they both flew up to Tyran. He was mid-way cocooned. They carefully melted off the strings and carried him down. Tooki was gone from his spot.

Using magic to carry the boy, the girls ran in the direction of where the snake was supposed to be. When they arrived, Izutoko was there and had the snake stuck. He was treating Kamiday and Edeni but it seemed like Kamiday's condition only worsened. When they brought the sleeping Tyran, Izutoko also treated him. Dillian and Takami sent a virtual message to Clara and Sirius to see if they were ok. They got responses at the same time, they were alive but they both found the spider guy. Stating the he was weird and they found their presences.

'Do you know how to make this thing gone or no?' Dillian asked Izutoko, he only shook his head. He couldn't maintain eye contact and was focused on making the injured stop bleeding. Takami had sat down because she was tired, Dillian joined her as well. Suddenly the spider dude appeared in front of them. He looked at little beaten up but he held this evil smile. He stabbed Edeni who was awake and yelled out in pain. Tooki had already begun to string another web house on top of them. Sirius and Clara had arrived alert.

'Filthy filthy! I'll make sure you all die by sun rise!' Tooki yelled out angrily. The two arriving must've done something to anger him or something. 'Electricity doesn't work on him when he's on his webs. Make sure to stop him from his webs.' Sirius said before he lunged at the spider man. Sirius spun in the air to dodge the tails and shot a melting spell at his tails. 'His tails also make the webs and poison!' Sirius shouted in the sky. Clara took out her dagger and began cutting of the webs with melting spells. Dillian got back up and assisted Clara. Takami didn't want to get back up but she did anyways because Sirius needed a partner.

Takami darted up in the sky with her board and shot at Tooki. His face had on a evil and angered look. As if he was enjoying this a little too much. Without looking, the two airborne mates saw his distorted tails clip the snake free. All while his web fell down. The snake moved right out the way. Izutoko saw this and created a barrier around him and the injured.

'Master! I think the boy is the pure blood! The one with red eyes!' Tooki shouted as he jumped from tree to tree. The snake roared and opened its salivated mouth. It darted towards Sirius but he was pushed down by Takami. They both collided down spiraling towards the web. Clara and Dillian managed themselves on a tree. They both blasted a carrying spell and lifted Sirius and Takami up. The snake hissed when it missed its chance to eat.

It hissed lowly, almost as if it were disgusted. Tooki looked like he was looking at something wrongly. Sirius was charging up a spell to blast at the spider man. Tooki had been daydreaming. The snake had been flickering its tongue in but its movement seemed like it was in a trance. The four in the tree smelled it too, it was a heavenly intoxicating aroma but they covered their noses. Who was releasing this smell?

'Master, I smell it too..the smell is like candy and flowers.' Tooki said while having his arms spread out. It look like he was going to embrace a hug. Unknowingly, his tails pierced Clara and Sirius' shoulders and the clutched them in pain. 'You fall for anything warriors! My bluff is for the weakest! You all are the lowest of the low!' Tooki said with a slight blush adorning his pale face. Sirius felt it, not any lust, bloodlust. The more a Ceres felt that, the more they become hungry for power. Which also means the more powerful they become.

'Hey! You took my meals! You pig spider!' A rough feminine voice shouted out. When they looked at the tree across them, a woman who was also very pale had crouched onto a branch. She pointed a finger accusingly at Tooki. The snake had slithered away cautiously. 'That boy with the pure blood! And the girl with the archery skills! You keep taking my meals!' The girl said with disgust. She looked similar to the man. He only blushed further and began laughing. 'They're my meals! Don't worry dear! I just have to share through a kiss!' He said while making a kissy face. She was grossed out and launched strings at him. He dodged them with ease. He jumped into the air, he swiped Clara from the tree and stuck his finger out towards the woman.

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