Chapter Seven

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Ria's pov

After Chanyeol left I just sat there thinking about past hour. Holy c$$p. I met my bias. Anddd he has a freaking cute son. Omg I'll definitely go ape if I don't stop thinking now. A soft tap on my face snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking down I saw Kyong was looking at me, more like examining me. I smiled at this and started talking.

" Hi handsome boy. Tell me what should we do now."

"Wee play. "

" Of course we'll play. And you should take a nap after playing. Okay?"

" Okay. Wee play doctol"

" Yes. We play that first. I'll be the patient and you be doctor."

And then he started playing and was mumbling something, which was definitely cute but very difficult to understand.

But I did get some parts. He said something like I was sick and should eat candies to get better. Hearing the word candy I thought of baekhyun and then others. Do they know about Kyong?

Seeing their manager tag along to my interview and all I'm guessing even SM knows about him. Which means the boys definitely know about Kyong.

I then turned my attention to Kyong. He was still talking bout my medicine 'candy'. He was even trying to write some thing. I guess prescription that he probably saw the doctor write.

After playing for a while he said he had to go to washroom. I was surprised hearing this. Children this age aren't usually potty trained. I guess he is a fast learner or he's a genius like his father. We went to my cabin and I took him to the washroom in there.

I then decided it's better if we stayed inside and requested one of my employee to bring in his bag.

He then started playing with his car. When I saw around, I noticed it's not safe for a toddler to play in and decided to baby proof it because he may get hurt.

After a while he came to me and made grabby hands asking me to pull him up. He was staring at me and suddenly became clingy. I did not understand why he was behaving this way. After a few seconds I understood he was hungry and was clinging on me because of that. I immediately grabbed his milk bottle and started feeding him.

After drinking the milk he slept on my lap. I was admiring him and thinking that I should pay more attention and be ready ahead.

He had a nap for good 45 minutes. By that time my back was killing me. It has been two hours since Chanyeol left and I guess he'll be back any time soon.

Thinking it will be best for me to go and sit on the sofa, I got up slowly not disturbing him and went to the sofa and just when I was about to sit some one knocked on the door. Cursing inside I thought who the fuck knocks this loudly. I checked if that sound woke Kyong up. Fortunately he was sleeping soundly. I said to who ever knocked on the door come in.

The manager came in started talking normally, which was loud enough to wake Kyong up. He woke up startled and started fussing.

I was trying to calm him by rubbing his back and I asked him if he wanted to go to kitchen to meet my friends. He nodded and was hanging on me like his life depended on it. I mean I get it. It's new environment to him and he's not familiar with any one.

So, I took him to the kitchen where I had to take care of a problem that arised. While I was on the way, I asked jung-hoon if he can just take care of it instead of me. He said that he'll do that.

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