What now?

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(Hey yall. So my mental health has been a fk bish lately so yea,ill go on with this story rn. Also i have an tiktok acc charlessweetie and id really like a few more followers! Anyways lets go on with the story!)

Author's POV:
Bella closed the door. She started creating scenarios of what could possibly happen. Would she see a person die? Or would Amdy manage to kill Chucky? She didn't knew, but oh, was her blood boiling. She stared at Andy who spoke first and then at Chucky. They were already argumenting, while Belle zoned out completely.

How? How did this happened? Everything was going so wrong. It was not supposed to turn out this way.

"Stop acting tough Chuck'. You really are trying so much, let it go already. Your ego is so sick, you couldn't even manage to kill a schoolboy. Dont fuck with da Chuck', well to bad. I'm going to end you." Andy said. Bella could already feel the tension,the angry vibes that she was taking from Chucky. He was mad.

"Hah, you really thought you scare me kiddo? Well it's pretty easy for me to slash you open." Chucky said,and looked at Bella. "And she's gonna help me."

Andy looked at Bella too and grabed her arm.

"Listen girl. I know your mother, we were best friends. I know Chucky has told you many things, and promised you many things too, but he is lying. He will kill you as soon as he gets bored. You are not special to him. No one is. He tried to kill his own family! You gonna regret helping him!" Andy said, looking Bella right in the eyes. He was staring in her soul.

"Pathetic! Dolly, c'mon. You think I'd do that? I swear that I won't. Just help me with this guy, will ya? Come on Bella, don't do this to me." Chucky smiled at Bella, like he wasn't actually planning into killing Andy.

"Bella..you gotta believe me! He is lying!" Andy said again.

"Shut the fuck up. He is not. Why would he?" Bella snaped, and pushed Andy away, winning a smirk from Chucky. "You shouldn't have come here. You did this to yourself."

"Bella, your mom and sister, they are all looking for you!" Andy yelled.

"And I don't care. I'll stay with him." Bella yelled back. (I'm so sorry lmao😂)

"Why on earth would you think that's a good idea?" Andy was pissed off right now. Chucky was enjoying the show, but what Bella said would not be so enjoyable.

"Because, I love him!" Bella said, pushing Andy even stronger, resulting in him falling in the floor. Chucky's jaw dropped, and he stared at Bella. But this was not the time. He got his knife and went near Andy,who was shocked. Bella hadn't still thought about what she said, but she would regret those words. Chucky stabbed Andy in his right arm, and Andy screamed out in pain.

He was ready to stab him again if it wasnt for the door knocking. Bella quiqkly looked at the door then at Chucky.

"Quick grab a chair!" Chucky whispered, and Bella did so. "Hit him!"

Andy looked at Bella, his eyes watered.

"Bella...please..." he pleaded. But it was to late. She had already fallen in the trap. She hit him as strong as she could, and he fell in the floor. Chucky rolled down the bed, and the door knocked again. Bella, even why alone,managed to pull the body in the closed and opened the door.

It was room service.

"Ugh y'all scared me." She thought.

"Uh no thanks. "Bella said and shut the door. Chucky came out from under the bed and stared at her. "We gotta leave."

"I know. Get your things."

After packing everything,they got out of the hotel. Bella started walking in whatever direction Chucky would say. As the evening hit, they were in a some-how, wooded area. Bella sat Chucky down, and sat down herself. They stood like that for awhileuntil Chucky spoke.

"Hey ya." He said.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"Did you really meant that?"


"That you uh, I don't know,love me?"

"Umm,I don't know" she stared.

"Why so?" He asked,looking at her.

"Well,do you love me?" Bella looked over at him. He stood quiet,not making a sound. She knew. And why it was wrong, she had some feelings for him. For the enemy. Her mom would say that he wasn't good for her, her dad would say that he'd kill them both. Her friends would say that it's risky... but her heart. Her heart said " get him and leave." She had never thought that one day, she would be in this situation. She was planning on becoming a teacher. Having a nice life. Not falling in love with a serial killer. "I love you, Chucky." She finally said. Chucky got up, as he was finally able to reach to her head, and grabbed her chin. They made eye contact. His blue eyes shined under the moonlight.

'Im sorry mom..'she thought, as their lips touched. It was romantic... somehow. She had never kissed someone before. After a moment, they broke from the kiss, breathing heavily. Bella looked down, surprised.

"Better tell no one about this, got it?" Chucky said. Bella nodded in response and stared down.

"Uh...can I ask you something?" She finally said, after being quiet for a while.


"Was Andy being serious?" She asked.

"About what?" He asked, completely uninterested.

"Will you kill me?" She breathed in.

"If you fuck things up, yes, I will. Sorry, not sorry." He said. Well, as long as she was careful,she would stay alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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