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Bella stared at the house in front of her. Now that she had moved here, life would definitely be kinda crazy, but it was better than living with her abusive dad. Her mother got the key and opened the door.

"Belle, come on, help me with the bags. You'll have enough time to stare at the house."
Linda said. Bella nodded and got a few bags.

Her life was miserable. She was the oldest child, her dad, Austin had always been abusive towards her and Linda. After her younger sister was born, a hope shined through Bella's heart, hoping that her dad would change.

But he didn't. He would blame Linda for not giving birth to a boy, and how useless they all were. They had decided to shut up, and to stay quiet. But this wouldn't last.

(Flashback to a few days ago.)
Bella was texting one of her friends, when a loud noise came from downstairs.

"Mom? Krist?" She called. Suddenly she heard loud yelling, cryings and her mother begging someone to stop. Bella ran downstairs and saw a horrific scene. Her dad had pinned down her mother, choking her. Krist was crying in a corner. This is when Bella lost it. How long would this go for?

She grabbed an empty bottle of wine and slammed it in her dad's head. He just stared, his hands feeling weak, as he fell in his back.

"This is what you get! Call 911 Krist!" Belle said, her eyes filled with anger. She never had hated her dad so much before, but now, seeing him trying to kill her mother, this was enough. "Mom, come on, get up." She said, trying to get Linda up.

Police arrived a few minutes later, and so did ambulance. Of course, Austin was good, but now that police was involved, there was no way they could stay together. The only thing Linda could think about, was to move in Chicago.


Bella had heard plenty of bad things about Chicago anyways. From thiefs to serial killers. The zone where there would live was also dangerous as hell, but it was cheap so they would have to stay there for awhile.
One of the most horrible things that Bella had heard it was from her mother. According to Linda, a serial killer lived there in 80s-90s. Charles Lee Ray. Some say he died, but this wasn't over. He apparently had haunted a doll, and than hunted a young boy down for years trying to get his body.

No one knew what happened after, but the young boy, Andy, survived. Where Charles was, this wasn't known yet. Linda was a young girl when all this happened, but, the irony of the fate, she was best friends with Andy. And, her family moved as fast as possible when this happened.

(Time skip by flying knives)

It was around 9pm. They had all are dinner and Krist was sleeping in her room. Bella had decorated her room with Polaroid pictures and drawings, her LED lights from her old room were kinda big, but somehow she managed to fix them. The apartment was cozy. Linda was watching TV.

Yet, something was wrong. Bella had a gut feeling, something was going wrong. How could she know, that out there a good guy doll was walking through the alleys, looking for food?

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Bella asked, and Linda looked at her.

"Yea hun, sure." Linda said, curiosity filling her eyes.

"You told me about your friend, Andy. Did he lived here?" Bella looked down.

"Oh Andy. He used to live a few apartments away." Linda's eyes were now filled with nostalgia, of the times that she spent with Andy.

"Umm, so you have no clue what really happened?" Bella now raises her eye brows.

"It was a doll? Charles somehow, someway managed to... Turn into a doll? Or used voodoo. Something like that. He later on, married Tiffany Valentine. They had a kid. Glen. Some people say that Charles killed both of them and then he committed suicide. Some others say that Charles only killed Tiff, and Glen killed him. Whatsoever, there is a good chance he came back. The fact that it happened to my best friend, it terrifies me. And that... Doll or killer, can be walking out there, free." Linda said, staring at the coffee table. " Bella, next year you'll be in college. You'll definitely have friends. I want you to be careful, and don't trust anyone. If I remember correctly, Charles had long black hair and blue eyes. The doll, I never saw it. Please, be careful. we never know what's happening out there."

Bella nodded slowly. She was concerned about her family's safety. But now, she didn't had time for a serial killer. She was worried about her dad. He was in jail of course, and soon her mom would go back in California to divorce him. Finally they'd be free.

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