A doll?

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Bella woke up from a pleasant dream. She got up and went in the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and got an cozy outfit to wear. It was summer, so she wore a white t-shirt, shorts and black trainers. Her short, brunette hair, fell in her shoulders as she stared at the mirror. Her Hazel eyes hid the pain and hatred that she went through, with years. She had to go out today to learn  where the buildings were, like supermarket, and things like this.

"Mom, I'm going out. Do you need anything?" Bella asked.

"No dear, don't forget to take your phone and money. And, no matter what, don't get into a stranger's car. And don't trust no one that offers you help. You don't wanna be part of a murder documentary, do you?" Linda laughed a bit in the end, and Bella smiled.

"Yea mom, don't worry. I'll be back as soon  as I find the store." Bella got out. Since she was around 5, Linda had told her about the risk that hid around. Bella remembered a quote that Linda said once.

"No matter if it's raining, snowing, if you feel sick or feel like throwing up. Never accept a stranger to take you home. Better to go home wet or sick than to go home dead. Or to never go home again."

Bella saw the people around her. Old men in the bar, playing cards, little kids running... She stopped at a women who was holding hands with a young boy, and had a baby in her arms.

"Hello lady. May I ask you where the grocery store is?" Bella stood a few steps away. The women turned at her. She had welcoming blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. She was tall, around 5'6, and pretty thin.

"Oh hi. You are new?" She smiled.

"Yea, I moved here yesterday. My name's Bella." Bella said, happily.

"Oh Bella. I'm Jennifer. You can call me Jenny. The grocery store is right in the end of the street. Be careful from strangers hun!" Jennifer pointed at the grocery store with her head.

"Thanks Jenny!" Bella ran towards the store. When she entered there, a guy weirdly stared at her. "Hi." Bella said, weirded out.

"Hey. Sorry, I haven't seen you before. New huh?" The guy said. He looked around 20-25, he was tall and had brown hair. He also looked pretty warm and welcoming.

"Yea, I'm new. I'm gonna get a few things here." Bella cursed herself mentally for being so weird. The guy nodded and Bella got a few vegetables and some other things.

"My names Andrew. Yours?" Andrew said while checking the things.

"Bella." Bella replied, looking down. She could already feel Andrew's eyes on her.

"A cute name for a cute girl. Be careful out there Bella. There are plenty of y'know, weird people." Andrew now smiled. Belle smiled back as she gave him the money. She said goodbye and waved and started walking towards her apartment. While passing through a dark alley, she could have sworn that she saw something move.

Bella turned to see at the alley. It was dark and she could see some trash bins around. She thought that it may have been a cat and shrugged off. But, as she was trying to leave, somehow she saw something, that looked like a child.

Bella was scared, maybe someone had left a child there? She walked towards the "child". Just for safety, Bella took her pocket knife out. As soon as she looked at the " child" she cursed underbreath.

"A doll. A fricking doll. I came here for a doll?" Bella's eyes we're filled with anger. The doll apparently had red hair and blue eyes. He was wearing overalls and a coloured shirt. It was a "good guy" doll.

"These were a thing in 80s. Why on earth is this doll here?" Bella asked kinda loudly, as she took the doll with her and headed home. "You're lucky good guy. My sister, Krist, is kinda sad so a doll would make her day. She's gonna love you!" Bella said.

As she walked in her apartment her mother looked at her and then at the doll.

"Well well. I sent you to buy food, not dolls Bella. Right?" Her mother crossed her arms at her chest. Krist came from the other room and she saw the doll. She started giggling and clapping, as Bella and Linda smiled.

"A doll! Did you bought it for me sister?" Krist took the doll carefully.

"Nope. I found it." Bella left the bags in the kitchen and told Linda for Jenny and Andrew. Linda exclaimed as soon as she heard "Jennifer".

"Jennifer? Probably with blonde hair and blue eyes?" Linda asked. Bella nodded. "Oh we, I was in the same classroom as her. She was so sweet! If you meet her again tell her for me!"

"Yea mom sure. You definitely have friends here huh?" Bella smiled.

Linda got up and headed to the fridge when a loud noise came from Krist's room.

"Krist? Are you ok?" Linda went there and so did Bella. Krist was sitting in the floor, a lamp was broken and the doll was sitting with her.

"What the... Krist, did you broke it?" Linda said, calmly. Krist looked up and than looked at her doll.

"No, Chucky did." She said.

"Chucky? Who's Chucky?" Linda said and took fixed the lamp. Krist looked down once again, took the doll and whispered something in it's ear. Bella went towards her.

"Chucky is... Him. My doll. He broke it." Krist hugged Chucky and sat on her bed.

Linda simply shrugged off and went in bathroom. Bella was staring at the doll. Yea, at Chucky.

"So, Chucky broke it?" Bella said taking the doll away and staring at it. His blue eyes looked so real. "But he's a doll."

"I know" krist said, "but he is kinda mad."

Bella laughed and left the doll down. The rest of the week went like this, normal. Jennifer had actually meet up with Linda, they even had their numbers.

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