Chapter Twenty: Cool as Ice

Start from the beginning

“But I’m not a wolf,” she protested.

“No, but that hardly matters to the Fenrir,” he answered. “Eric will be obligated to champion you and you don’t want to inadvertently start another Clan War just because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut and your eyes on your plate, ok?’

She swallowed and nodded.

“Last but not least, if any of those wolves sniff you more than once, you high-tail that cute butt of yours out of there with a full squadron of Eric’s men, capiche?”

“Maybe I should just skip dinner tonight,” she suggested, feeling a little sick to the stomach, “I can just eat something here.” 

"’fraid not sis. Eric can’t show any signs of weakness in his own house – especially in front of these wolves. You’re his honored guest and hiding you from the Fenrir might send the wrong sort of message. We’re going to wine, dine, perform a few quick songs, then call it a night.”

Lori looked at Des and for the first time saw real worry in his face. “Hey, are you alright?”

Des studied Lori for a long second without saying anything. He’d lost one girl to a wolf mating, and it was a mistake he’d never make again. He’d been overconfident and stupid, never seeing the danger Antoinette had been in. When she died, he was sentenced to another century under his curse, but it hardly mattered to him. The guilt of losing such a sweet creature so violently had weighed heavily on his conscious for centuries.

He would never make that mistake again. 

“Peachy keen, jelly bean,” he said, forcing a sexy little smile. “Now, let’s get you dressed.”

Lori was just about to say something else when there was a loud knock on her door.

Des gave her a quick wink before walking to the door and opening it. Eric strode inside the doorway, his face hard and serious. It did nothing to ease the pounding in Lori’s chest, if anything, it sent her heart-rate spiking even further. If things didn’t calm down around her soon, she was likely to go into cardiac arrest.  

“My lord, how good of you to join us. I was just giving my sister some cautionary advice for tonight,” Desmond said, bowing his head.  

Eric looked at Lori, worry and relief warring on his face. “Good. We cannot be overly cautious with the Fenrir,” he said, stepping further into her room. He looked around the guest room and immediately felt the need to move Lori closer to his own chamber.   

“Though perhaps you might have some finer points about to tonight to discuss with my sister, my lord,” Desmond mused as he stepped through the doorway leading back to hall, “I will trust you with her safekeeping this night, my lord. Please be sure to explain the gravity of the situation to my lovely sister, in case she has any further questions. I’m afraid I have a few things I must get in order before dinner.” And with that Desmond was gone.

Lori never got a chance to protest as Des left her alone with Eric. The second he’d closed the door, Eric closed the distance between them, pulling her in close and crushing his lips down on top of hers.

She was lost in the feel of him as he overloaded every single one of her senses. Again. Opening her mouth up to him, Eric’s tongue plunged inside sweeping against her own, exploring and conquering in equal measure. When he finally let her up for air, she opened her eyes and saw his own had gone entirely dark.

“Your eyes…” she started to say, watching them grow even darker.

“I canno’ help it, lass,” he replied honestly. His eyes grew darker in response to her. They would always do so as long as she lived.

Catch, Curse, Release (Immortal Warriors #1) ✅ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now