Chapter 4: Don't You Know?

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"Hiei..." Sakura hesitated. There was nothing else to do except be blunt. "Do you hate me?"

Hiei's reaction was not unlike his response to Yukina asking why he seemed familiar back at the compound. But again, he quickly frowned. "What kind of question is that?"

"Do you hate me?" Sakura repeated. She was fighting back her emotion. "Look, short stack, I don't understand what our dynamic is. You started out by holding me hostage to get those stupid weapons, then you saved my life at Maze Castle for reasons I still don't understand. I thought we'd reached some kind of, I don't know, alliance after Yukina. You helped me train for the tournament and every time I've been in the slightest bit of danger, there you are. But you still act so...snippy. I don't know if it's because of Yukina, maybe you feel bad about the whole warehouse abduction thing, whatever. I don't care, I just want to understand. So just tell me straight. What's your deal? Because the truth is...I don't hate you,"

For the first time since she'd known him, Hiei looked genuinely lost for words. He shut his eyes tightly and seemed to wrestle with himself.

"I don't know what you expected from me, Sakura," he said at last. "I'm not soft like Kurama. We've entered an alliance for this tournament," He glanced at her. "You're...not as insufferable as I believed at first. Less so than your brother, if anything. At least you have something resembling a brain," Hiei reached for his sword. "If there's nothing else, I have better things to do,"

Sakura had listened to his little speech without a word. She gave a tiny smile. "I see," she said quietly. "That makes sense. Maybe you aren't such a puzzle after all,"

"I'm a puzzle? You're an enigma, even for a human," Hiei retorted. "Go back to Yusuke. He won't like you wandering around alone,"

"Sure," Sakura chuckled to herself as she turned to leave. The soothing sound of the crashing waves calmed her. Using spirit energy, she jumped back up to the mainland. Yusuke probably hadn't even woken up yet.

When we met, I merely saw you as a tool to obtain the artefacts. But you proved otherwise. And then, despite everything, you still helped Yukina without hesitation. It made me consider another perspective. Yusuke's perspective. Just as I wish to watch over Yukina, he wants to do the same for you. I'm...glad for that.

Knowing this was the closest thing to an apology she'd ever receive from the obstinate demon, Sakura stood perfectly still, a serene smile spreading across her lips. Inside the void in her mind, Hiei's door stood, unchained and waiting to be explored. 

Open! Sakura commanded, and at long last, the door obeyed...

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" asked a shadowy figure. "The fusion between you and the Jagan eye will be much more painful than you imagine. I have to lock you down to the table to keep you from ripping out your own eyes. I have earplugs for myself,"

"I won't say a word," scoffed Hiei. "Just do it,"

"Everyone screams," the surgeon laughed darkly. "The only question is, what will you say?"

The lethal-looking machine whirred to life and inched ever closer to Hiei's forehead as an image of Yukina flashed in his mind...

And just like that, it was done. Sakura snapped back to reality and she found herself on her knees. Her hair flew as she spun around to where Hiei was standing on the rock. It was easy to see what had happened to interrupt the connection. The demon had also been brought to his knees from the pain of his injury. Even from the distance, she could see the flesh on his hand was burned black.

Sakura pressed a hand to her mouth. Hiei!

Go back to your brother. Hiei snapped in reply. I don't need anyone's help. And if something happens to you out here I'll never hear the end of it. Go!

Sakura Urameshi: Dark Tournament (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon