Chapter 4: Don't You Know?

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A.N. I won't lie, I'm so excited to see what you all think about what happens in this chapter. Sakura may have the day off, but she's going to be busy ;)

Please follow, upvote and comment.

I don't own YYH, just my OCs.


Chapter 4

Alone in the forest, Yusuke raised his hands and strained with all his might, but to no avail. His Spirit Gun simply refused to so much as acknowledge him. After several useless seconds of trying, he gave up and looked at his hands in frustration.
"Damn it!" No spirit gun. This was not good.

"Hey, there you are, punk!" Kuwabara stepped out from behind a tree and he didn't look happy. "You know you could've left me a note or something!" He advanced on Yusuke. "You think I like being stuck up there with that masked weirdo?"

"Why not?" Yusuke muttered. "You could use some more friends,"

"Yeah, like you're the one to talk," Kuwabara scowled. "Anyway Urameshi, listen. Don't you think we ought to have some kind of team meeting? I mean, I'm worried about our next fight. And I don't even know where Hiei and Kurama went. Think I heard them leave the hotel when the sun was coming up,"

Yusuke laughed. "Have a meeting with yourself then. You'll learn a lot,"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" snapped Kuwabara at Yusuke's retreating form. "Wait, don't leave me alone again!"

"Go find a crossword puzzle or something," Yusuke called over his shoulder. "And you could've easily asked Kura to find me instead of traipsing through the woods,"

Kuwabara scratched his head nervously "Well that's the thing Urameshi. I couldn't find her. She's gone off somewhere too,"

"WHAT?" Yusuke was back in Kuwabara's face in the blink of an eye. "What d'you mean you can't find her?"

Kuwabara folded his arms. "You heard me. The girls said Kura went out to train or something,"

"Oh PERFECT!" Yusuke shouted, throwing up his arms in despair. "I told her not to go wandering off by herself and there she goes again. See if you can find Kurama and Hiei, she might be with them. I'll go look. Either way, she's in for it..."

Yusuke ran off, muttering obscenities under his breath. Kura, tell me where you are right now!


Ocean water crashed over the rocks with remarkable force. Sakura was splashed head to toe with the salt spray. She was afraid to say anything, even though there was nobody but the two of them on this rock.

"You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous," Hiei stood with his back to her, facing towards the bright sun.

Sakura couldn't help but laugh. "You of all people should know that's never stopped me before,"

Hiei turned to Sakura, his scowl twitching as if suppressing a smile. Her hair was hanging loose and waved gently in the breeze. Her eyes shone in the sunlight. She was smiling rather shyly, but there was that dratted earnestness in her face which seemed to ironically calm his restless energy.

"What do you want, Sakura? I have little time for idle chatter,"

Sakura bit her lip. Where to begin? "Yesterday...when I went to find Keiko and got into that fight. You spoke to me telepathically,"

"So what if I did?" Hiei turned away from her. "Yesterday, you needed a kick in the ass, and I gave you one. I see no reason to discuss it further,"

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