Heart to Heart

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"Wait, I changed my mind-"

"Have fun, boys!" New April called, grinning to herself as she heard her counterpart giggle besides her. Both of the boys behind them were horrified at their idea to leave them alone, but the two Aprils thought the whole situation was quite funny. Not to mention, it'd be good for Casey and Donnie to get some alone time; they'd have to learn to get along eventually. New April winked. "We'll let you know if we see anything. Now, get to work!"

That was the first reason the April of the now named "Dimension 18" would claim she wanted to leave them alone. However, it definitely wasn't the only one. The other reason involved not Casey and Donnie, but herself and her own counterpart getting paired up to be alone. She glanced at the April of this world besides her, frowning in thought.

She wanted them to discuss Irma.

After the three humans returned to the lair earlier that day, the turtles were up and already preparing for that night's mission. April had definitely wanted to discuss the creepy excuse of a friend her counterpart seemed to adore, and she even tried to start the conversation a few times! But the time wasn't right, and she knew they needed to focus on getting ready for the mission if she wanted any chance of getting her Raph back. That was more important than anything else, she knew. The conversation was put on the back burner.

But now, both Aprils were going to be alone on lookout. That seemed as good a place as any to have a discussion, right?

They just had to be careful, and it would be fine. Dimension 18's April took a deep breath.

"So..." She said, once they were in position. The lab was at the end of a hall, to they were positioned a few yards away from the door to keep a look out for any approaching Kraang. They were far enough from the open door that they couldn't exactly make out whatever Casey and Donnie were saying, but they could still hear the general noise of angry shouts every once in a while. New April pushed that thought aside, turning to look at her counterpart, "About Irma..."

"You don't like her, do you?" The red-haired April replied bluntly, sending her a tired look of exasperation. "Listen, I get it, I really do—she's a little strange and Casey was weirded out by her too. But she's a good friend, April, I promise. You just gotta get to know her."

"Just a little strange?" Other April blinked. "Are you kidding? Did you see how much she stared at me the whole time? It was freaky! I felt watched at every second!"

"She has a staring problem, she did the same to Casey when she first met him too. She does that, but then she backs off after a while! It's her way of, I don't know... making sure you're safe, or something."

"And were you listening to the weird questions she was asking me?" New April insisted, leaning forward slightly. "She kept asking how different this place was from my home, and if I felt out of place. Tell me that's not weird given my current situation. I dare you."

April looked back and forth between nothing, as though searching the air itself for a reply. "It... It isn't! We told her you're from the country. New York is really different from there, and asking about that is just casual small talk, even if she worded it a bit weird."

"Uh uh," The New April pushed her glasses up with one finger, staring down her counterpart carefully, before crossing her arms over her chest. "I've seen weird, O'Neil, we both have, and that ain't it. Something is up with her and you know it. Aren't you psychic? You should be getting the same weird vibes I am, or even stronger ones"

"Well, I'm not getting any!"

New April watched her counterpart carefully. Though she was denying everything about her friend being weird, something about the way she was acting told her there was more to the story. This world's April was looking all around and at everything but her, avoiding her gaze like it was the plague. Her shoulders were tense, along with really every single muscle in her body, and she shifted awkwardly every few seconds as though she couldn't get comfortable. Verbal denial aside... she had to know deep down that something was wrong. Other April's dark eyes narrowed in determination; she was going to figure this out.

Dagger From the Mirror (ROTTMNT/TMNT 2012 Crossover Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang