Chapter 64:Class 1a vs 1b begins!

Start from the beginning

"Yes?" I answered.

"Are you okay in there? We tried... Well, I tried to wait for you to have breakfast with me but you weren't coming... and I was concerned... I mean I don't know... it took you a long time to get up." Uraraka said, sounding worried.

Oh Uraraka...

"You must've had a nice dream, huh? Well that happened to me one time actually... I dreamt that I made my own dance team--" "Not now Mina-chan!" "Oops! Sorry" Ashido apologized to Uraraka.

I got up and opened the door.

Uraraka's pov:
Once (Y/n) opened the door, Ashido and I opened our eyes wide... to see that she looked like a hot mess!

Her hair was all messy, dark circles under her eyes, and her cheeks had the mark of the carpet she has.

"Woah... you okay there? Did you sleep on the floor instead of your bed?" Mina asked.

(Y/n)-chan looked at Mina, "Huh?".

"Listen, maybe if you're tired we can ask Aizawa Sensei to take the day off today?" I asked.

(Y/n)'s pov:
"Day off?" I asked.

"Give me a moment..." I said, walking up to my mirror.

*gasp*, crap... What happened to me?!

I don't know why I look like this... I mean I do remember having that nightmare but...

"Ahhh!!! Why do I--?! I'm sorry but I don't think I can take a day off... today's training will be new... and I don't know why I look like this - I mean I have been sleeping but still what happened to me?!" I muttered.

"Um..." Ashido and Uraraka said.

"Fuck... sorry! I'm good... I just need a shower and a nice breakfast and I'll be good. I think I know what we might be doing today" I said, placing a small smile.

Uraraka rubbed the back of her neck, "Yeah! That's the spirit!". "Wait, are we going to do class with class..." "Yeah" I nodded, answering Ashido's question.

"Do you want me to walk with you to the shower and breakfast?" Uraraka asked.

"Shower?" I asked.

"Oop!" Ashido

"Oh sorry! Haha... I mean do you want me to walk you to the bathroom?" Uraraka smiled.

"Oh sure" I said.

"Sounds like a plan!" She hummed.

"Just give me a moment, I have to grab my towel and toothbrush and brush and uni--" "Take your time - no wait, be quick, class starts soon!" Uraraka said, cutting me off.

"Right." I said, quickly grabbing my stuff.

"Let's go!"  I said, walking through my door.

"Wait up!" Ashido and Uraraka said, following behind me.

We walked to the elevator, and waited to go to the common room.

"So what do you think we're doing today?" Uraraka asked. "Well, for sure training, but like... hmm... it's something different than usual. Like I feel like we gonna be going up against other classes?" I said, sounding unsure.

"Class 1-b!" Ashido said.

"Right yeah!" Uraraka smiled.

"Oh! Yeah." I said.

The elevator doors opened and we walked out. We walked towards the bathroom.

"Hey (Y/n), did you not sleep well yesterday?" Abe said, walking towards me.

I'll Win Your Heart! Bnha x (fem)reader *slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now