A trip down the lane...

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No one's pov...

A tour around the air temple has opened Asami and Korra up to new places. There were a servants here and there but they were completely unaware of who they really were as a family. Each place they met was met with beautiful flowers and ancient artifact's that has stopped being created a long time ago. "So this is the ancient artifacts of the ancient air nation?," Asami asked, her voice filled with fascination. "All of these things belonged to my husband before he passed away," Katara explained as she picked up a small statue of a merman. "These things meant a lot to him while growing up. It came from his only family member Monk Gyatso before he passed away," she explained, putting the statue back down. "I'm sorry to hear that," Asami say's softly. "Don't be. I know for sure that he's in a better place. And i wouldn't want it to happen any other way then to see him die peacefully," she explained. "Now, let me show you more around the air temple. It's so much to see around here! It's like a tiny little  town here," she chuckled as she continued to lead Asami, Kya, and Korra down the trail. 

Everything here is very extravagant in a timely fashion and Korra couldn't be more grateful that she'll be able  to stay here for the time being. As she looked around she kind of wanted to go off on her own and figure it out by herself and who knows? Maybe she'll be able to run into something she has never seen before. Since Asami, Katara, and Kya wasn't looking this gave Korra to sneak away and go off on her own. As she searched around the temple she checked the rooms, gardens, the high grounds, and is more than happy about the fact that the place was surrounded with sea water.  She walked back inside of the building her current location was inside of....the air temple bathroom. The place looked...interesting to her to say the least. But why does such a place needs so many mirrors? Why couldn't they just have one? Maybe it was an illusion, mainly because seeing her own reflection was more than surprising. If she has to be in a spot where she has to look at herself all day she may go insane. Out of curiosity she walked towards the cabinet and walked climbed up the counter where the sink was located. As she opened the closet and backed back in fear. What kind of human magic is this?," she asked herself. 

She slowly put her finger out and slowly touched the closet. The closet didn't move nor harm her in response. She gave the closet a emotionless look. She could've sworn that thing moved when she touched it, she was sure it was about to attack her...or maybe it was going to attack her. Even though she was a little startled she was too curious to leave such a place. She opened all the cabanettes, drawers, and even the toilet. She opened the lid to see a whole watery wave down there. She tilted her head in confusion. She touched the metal flusher and gently pressed it down. 

The water swirled around in circles. The siren screeched in fear, quickly backing away after slamming the lid down the seat. Jinora closed eyes lightly flinched at the sound. Her eyes opened. She pushed the covers off her now exposed human legs and slightly hopped off her bed and walked down the hallway to see where that noise was coming from.  She yawned, slightly rubbing her eyeball with her bald up hand. On the tiresome walk the little girls senses hit her like a bat hitting a baseball. She squealed in her siren voice, holding her temples.  Her senses became stronger, leading her senses towards the bathroom. She softly sighed, thinking it could just be Meelo or Ikki and walked her barefoot towards the door.  She slightly tipped her head inside the bathroom to see an unusual girl destroying the bathroom....as it seemed.  The tanned girl stopped flushing the toilet and slowly turned her head towards Jinora. They stared at each other for a few more seconds before Jinora broke the silence between them. "Um...hi,"

Korra stared at Jinora for a few seconds, awkwardly before she slowly too her hand off of the handle. "Hi," she said awkwardly. "What's your name?," she asked as she slowly sat down beside Korra. "My name korra...nice to meet you," she said, extending her hand for her to shake. "my name is Jinora, nice to meet you. You're not from around here are you?," Jinora asked softly. " No...but..i'll be staying here. I guess me and you will be like sisters," Korra said with an awkward smile on her face. "yeah...it kind of would be like me and you are sisters," Jinora smiled softly as she nodded her head.

"But then again....i know you're not from land. I sensed you the moment i came close to this part of the temple," she explained. "How come you've came here? I've heard that you usually wouldn't come here unless it's an emergency," Jinora explained. Korra stopped in her tracks before looking down at her hands in guilt. "It's just...uh...i did something bad," she said, her voice filled with regret. "What did you do?," Jinora asked. "Um...i went out with my sister...when she told me not to and....i got her caught. But i'm here to find her and when i do i'll bring her back home," she says softly.

"Oh...sorry that happened. But i'm sure it's not your fault. It's very unpredictable of what could happen...you just...didn't know," she say's with a soft smile on her face. Korra smiled back a little before she looked back at the toilet.  "Can you tell me why this thing swirls the ocean like this?," Korra asked, immediately changing the subject. "Jinora laughed before she looked back at Korra. " I understand...you've never seen a toilet before," she giggled. Korra tilted her head in confusion. "A...toilet?," she asked as she looked inside. "Yeah...it's where....um...it's hard to explain," she slowly stood back up and dust her dress off. "how about i take you to the fruit tree? It'll be a good experience for you," she offered. Korra slowly got up from the floor and nodded her head. "Sure...i guess it could keep my mind off of things for a while.

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