"Jasper Hale,please hug me before I start crying again." He huffed out a laugh but relented when I approached him,allowing for me to wrap my arms around my waist as he did the same to my shoulders.

His body's tension soon melted away as my emotions flooded him,filling the empath with warmth and happiness.

God he missed this feeling,he had been surrounded by sadness and guilt ever since they first decided to leave forks. But it was even worse when he thought he'd never see his best friend again..and if he did...It would be to see my tombstone.

Edward,who was standing off to the side,looked away with a clenched jaw,guilt and self hatred swirled in his mind for causing his family so much stress.

His eyes widened and his body grew rigid when he saw Heidi approaching with Bella,the human girl tucked safely into her side.

Bella looked...happy.

He should be ecstatic that she wasn't trying to get his attention...so why did he feel so...jealous?

He caught Heidi's eye as she looked over and narrowed hers,protectively bringing Bella in closer.

Gritting his jaw he leaned a bit and whispered to Alice,"I'll be back later.." Before she could stop him he ran off into the forest and disappeared.

Heidi watched him leave with dread building in her gut,she knew she'd have to speak with Milly about this..it didn't look good.


Sitting on one of Esmes handmade porch chairs I sipped at a cup of hot chocolate while everyone was inside chatting,the sound of the door opening caught my attention and I looked over to see Heidi approaching with a soft smile

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Sitting on one of Esmes handmade porch chairs I sipped at a cup of hot chocolate while everyone was inside chatting,the sound of the door opening caught my attention and I looked over to see Heidi approaching with a soft smile.

"Mind if I join you?" Shaking my head I watched as she lifted my legs and sat close before setting them on her lap. "Of course not,What's on your mind Heidi?" I asked seeing the wheels spinning in her head.

She was visibly tense and hesitant but she immediately relaxed when she glanced over and saw the warmth and understanding in my eyes.

"We're...friends,right?" The question caught me off guard a bit,raising a brow I wondered why she would ask something like that. "Oh Uh..yes I'd like to think we are."

She nodded to herself and looked off into the trees,"Then please be honest with me...Do you think Bella would go back to Edward if he told her he still wanted her?"

My eyes blew wide open with shock,out of all the things she could have asked me that was the last think I expected.

"What? What brought this on? Did she say something to you that made you believe that?!" She quickly shook her head,"No,not her..earlier Edward seemed extremely Jealous when he saw me and Bella together. And...I heard about how crazy they were about each other before the whole fiasco in Italy."

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