chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

I'm walking down the street to meet a friend, hi I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm a business woman at a company and my life is not that exiding I work at a contracting verm I make good money. The only thing I'm missing is a girlfriend, I'm also a huge fan of the Fate series and I'm almost done watching the the whole thing, ya I'm a nerd but at hot one at least, plus there is one character I can relate to and that's Gilgamesh and your probably wondering why, well because we Boulth think we deserve better, mainly because I grew up pore and my family badly Acknowledge my existence. I was walking and I heard my name being call out "yo!, (Y/N)-sama!" Your probably wondering that, well he lost a bet and now he has to call me Sama or mistress, it's pretty funny actually, anyway I turned to my friend Tamara and a girl I've seen around the office, I then said "hi Tamara, so who's the hottie?" I'm a pervert and I'm proud of it, then he said "this is Miho" Miho then said "I've actually seen you around the office before, but I don't think we ever Bing introduced" I then said " oh, or course, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), come to think about it I've heard a lot about you " she got nervous and said "huh, wait you have?" I replied " ya, I mean there's plenty of rumers" she then asked "what rumors?" Tamara then said "Miho, came down she's only joking, go easy on her eyes not used to your jokes yet". I replied "ya sorry" I then thought "why am I here anyway" Tamara then asked "do you want some food we can talk over dinner, you said you like (F/F)" (A/N: favorite Food) i then thought " he made plans evolving around my favorite food what ar- wait, that jerk he's rubbing in that hes got a girlfriend and I don't, well jokes on you I'm going to order the most expensive thing on the menu and not pay for my cut you jerk! " . I called down and I thought " ok I'll pay for my hafe, there good kids I should congratulat them" I heard a screem and I looked ahead to see a guy with a knife running in our direction, Tamara was in front of Miho to protect her but in the last minute I pushed him and I got stabbed instead. It felt awful being stabbed and in the back no less, that's literly more awful then the pain. I looked down and I thought "what's this?!, This heat I can't stand it it's too hot" I then heard a voice "request confermed Acquisition of heat resistance is Acquired" I then thought "this is it, death by stabbing I thought I would die in a blaze of glory but this is awful, I wish I had a body that's stabbed Proof" then voice then said " request confermed Acquisition to the skill stab resistance is successful, continuing Physical attack resistance Acquisition successful " I then heard Tamara said "send an ambulance Hurry!" I looked at my hand and I thought "there's so much blood, my pressies blood spiling on the ground, I bet gods don't have to worry about that it hurts" the voice then said "request confermed pain nullification required, creating a body like the Gods successful" i turned into my back and I thought "came down, you got to man up Tamara" Tamara then said "(Y/N)-Sama, hang on!" I then thought "now I'm cold" then that voice said "cold resistance Acquisition successful, a coherent of Boulth cold and heat resistance has resulted in a new skill Thermal fluctuation resistance successful" I then thought " I'm I dieing with out getting a girlfriend or starting a family, I wish I could have" the voice then said "body with bolth male and female reproductive systems successful, continuing a long with body of the Gods you have required Devin Beauty " I looked towards Miho and Tamara and I extended my hand to him and I said "Tamara" he grabbed my hand and I continued "promise me something you need to whip my hard drive, don't look at my history it will probably scare you for life" the voice then said "Deletion of vea Electronic curnt can't be done, gaining electronic coudnt resistance have Bing required, Paralysis resistance is required, successful" I looked at Tamara and he said "Listen, the reason why I wanted dinner is to show off Miho like a total jerk" I chuckled and said "I know and I was planning to order the expensive stuff" we Boulth laughed at that and I heard Miho said "Ms. (L/N)" I then said " just promises me you have a happy life together and for the love of God whip my hard drive " Tamara looked extriamly sad and I thought "I never got to finish the fate series, I was hoping to see more of Gilgamesh, I wish I had his power, having the Gates of Babylon would of Bing handy right now" i then heard that voice again " notice acquiring Gates of Babylon an infinite treasury with all the treasures in the world, successful, adding to body of the Gods has given you the skill Clairvoyance " I looked to the sky and I thought "I can't believe I'm going to die as a girlfriend less vergin, my next life I'm going on the Prowell I'm going to hunt down all the ladys" the voice then said "acquisition of the unique skill Predator, successful" I then thought " in storys thirty year old virgins are wizereds, since I'm pushing 40 I guess that makes me a sage, a few more years and I'll be a great sage". I then heard that same voice again "extra skill acquired Sage, continuing Save will transform into the Unique skill Great Sage, successful". I then thought for the last time" shut up all ready can a girl just get some peace and quiet " I then died at that moment.

reincarnated with the gates of Babylon (TTIGRAS Harem x Futa reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum