The beginning

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PART 1: The Beginning
CJ: YOOOOOO!! Guys I can't wait to enter Starlight city!It's always so freakin bright and colorful!
RUBY: Yes, it's always cute indeed! We already have a giant apartment planned out so we have places to stay!
CJ: Yea haha! Thanks to Ruv who's always stealing we have a lot of cash to spend.
(CJ and all of his friends have no parents so they all trust and stick together. They're all moving to Starlight city to create a huge band and preform on intercity stages.)

CJ: We still have one more day until we leave.
RUBY: Y-yea... (Ruby says in a nervous like tone)
CJ: Say Ruby. Are you gonna miss this place?
RUBY: Yea, i-I'll miss it but, as long as I have you guys, I'll be happy!
CJ: Heh! Ruby you're the best!
(As Ruby and CJ are talking, Whitty comes down the stairs and walks to them with a ton of suit cases.)
WHITTY: Sup you guys. Where's everybody else?
RUBY: Hey Whitty. The others went to the mall one last time before we leave tomorrow but, me and CJ didn't feel like going and you were still sleeping when they left.
WHITTY: YOU KNOW IT DUDE!! GET HYPE! (Whitty and CJ are doing a homie dance as Ruby watches laughing)
WHITTY: Join us Ruby! In this epic dance!
RUBY: Hahaha, no thanks! Imma just watch you guys.
(CJ and Whitty dance for another 30 seconds before getting tired. They fall to the floor huffing)
CJ: That was * Huff* Fun!
WHITTY: * Huff* Yes it was!
RUBY: Haha! Seriously, you guys got tired after dancing for 2 minutes. You guys may look cute but you act like old men.
WHITTY: It ain't easy being a bomb Y'know. Guess what guys. Updike,He won't be able to capture and kill me if I'm in Starlight City right? It's so far away from here and I doubt he'd travel that far to kill me! I'm finally free from this endless cycle of hell!
CJ: AWWWW! dude that's SICK! That bastard always tried killing you and hunting you down like You were some monster.
RUBY: Oh thank goodness! Im so glad you won't be targeted anymore! I hope he doesn't end up where we're going tho..

WHITTY: I hope he doesn't man. Bef-before we do leave. I-I want to apologize..
RUBY: Apologize about what?
CJ: Hm?
WHITTY: for just being a burden to you all. We had to live in hiding because of me. Updike wanted to kill me and me only,but you guys all had to suffer because I was around you guys. I wish I wasn't... Born a monster! And even if I am a monster. I wish you guys didn't have to suffer with me!!! (Whitty Falls to his knees begging Ruby and Cj for forgiveness)
WHITTY: I'm sorry! So sorry! If it wasn't for me then you-
RUBY: Dude, it's ok. We never minded it since we were with you the whole time. And you're not a monster. Not to us atleast. To us your a friend!
CJ: Ye.
(Ruby looks at Cj with a expression that gave Cj chills. Because all he could say was Ye When Whitty was on his knees.)

CJ:I-I-I mean, Yea! She's right,Whitty! We will always be there for you!
RUBY: Much better!
WHITTY: Wow! Thank you guys! I never thought you guys where happy with me. I was just to ashamed of myself to ask you guys. But atleast it's all over now. We can be homies in public and nothin can stop us!

CAROL: Hey y'all!! ( Carol and Hex burst through the front door! Carol jumping up and down with a graceful smile, And Hex carrying dozens upon dozens of Carols bags. He looks embarrassed)
RUBY: Carol! Hex!
CJ: I see y'all had fun at the mall. What did you all get?
HEX: H-hey guys! I didn't get anything... at all. All these bags are HMMMMPH Hers!
CAROL: Oh yea! Hex you can place them over there on the couch!
HEX: Yea! Y-yea o-okay! (Hex inches his way to the couch due to all the heavy bags. He gets to the couch and places the bags down)

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