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Everything hurts, everything is black, there's a fire in my leg but also my head and arms. There's so much shouting, but nothing is making sense. I try to speak but my mouth won't open, and every time I try the fire gets hotter, and burns me more. I drift back off into a sea of nothing.


'Junie, what are you doing here'

'What do you mean, silly, I'm meant to be here with you.' I smile at Chris, in our field of flowers.

'No, you're not, you're meant to be with him, not with me.' He says stroking my cheek.

I look up and over the flowers, breathing in the fresh air as the sun hits golden hour and makes the flowers shine. 'I think I want to stay, though.'

He sighs, a thing he does when he knows he won't win. 'You can stay here as long as you want, but you have to go back.'

I look at him. 'Why? There's so much pain, here, I'm happy, aren't you happy Chris? We're together again, it's amazing here, there's no more pain.'

He wraps me into one of his amazing bear hugs, 'of course I'm happy, but not under these circumstances, Junie. There's family missing you and are in pain, there's him. You can't stay here.'

I feel myself pull away but he holds me tighter. 'Please.'

'No, Junie. You need to go back, we'll be together when the time is right, but right now the time isn't right, you need to go back and help your family.'

I sigh and a lone tear falls down my cheek. 'Ok, ok. I'll go, but let me stay for a little while longer.' I say taking a deep breath in, smelling Chris's sweet scent.

'Of course, darling. Stay as long as you like.' He kisses my head.


There's sound again, an annoying beeping sound, there's light against my eyelids, which makes me curious. I try to open my eyes but fail the first time, they feel glued shut. I wait a few minutes hearing more voices.

"Marshall made them." Says the familiar voice, is that Aiden? He's here?

"The boy's got skill, you should consider culinary school." Another deep voice says with laughter, sounds like dad.

I open my eyes, this time they open and burn against the light and I shut them quickly, everything is so bright, why?

"Did she just?" Aiden says.

"I think she did." Footsteps approach me. "Junie, it's dad." I feel him grab my hand.

"Dad." I barely force out. My voice is so dry.

"Oh my god, thank you, Lord. Junie!" He cries into me.

"Where's Aiden?" I choke out.

"I'm here, baby, right beside you, I haven't left." He also cries on the other side of me.

I open my eyes again and leave them open until they adjust to the light. I spot Aiden first, she smiles a wide smile with tears scattered in his eyes, his beard trimmed neatly against his jaw, his hair a curly mess on top of his head, he's in a blue t-shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans. "Why are you crying?" I whisper.

"I'm so happy you're back." He chokes.

"Me too."

"I'll go grab the doctor, he'll probably want to see you." My dad says, leaving my hand for Aiden to snatch up.

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