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The elevator lets off at the fourth floor and everybody looks in our direction, then when they see Aiden they look away or get busy. I see Martin looking questioningly at me and then looks at Aiden.

"Mr. Memphis, good morning." I hear Martin tell Aiden.

"Yes, hello Martin. I'll be taking Ms. Juniper home as she isn't feeling good." Aiden tells Martin, his boss voice back in action.

I quickly gather my things, trying to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Did you want me to take her?" Martin asks.

"No, I can manage, I'm just letting you know that Juniper won't be here the rest of the day." Aiden tells Martin.

"Oh, I just know you're busy and stuff, and I'm busy too, but I wouldn't mind." Martin drones.

"I am capable, now please, get back to work." Aiden orders and I hear him walk behind me.

"You ready?" Aiden asks, irritation coloring his tone.

I bend down to pack my shoes and the rest of the documents sitting in the desk. "Just about." I tell him, stuffing everything in. I see Hailey look at me and I smile up at her.

"Everything ok?" She mouths.

I nod and smile again. She doesn't press anymore she turns to her computer. It's super weird how everyone is afraid of Aiden but yet he seems kind, and nice and sweet. Ugh, I've got to get these feelings out of the way.

I turn around and face a waiting Aiden, he nods and walks toward the lift and pushes the button.

"Have a good day, Martin. Rain check on the coffee?" I ask, trying to lighten his glum looking look.

He smiles, "Sure, feel better."

Once the elevator doors close Aiden turns to me. "What was that?" He asks, his cheeks reddening.

"What?" I ask.

"Rain check for coffee with Martin on fourth floor?"

I shrug, it seems like Aiden is jealous and if that's the case we're in too deep, either I'm going to get hurt or Aiden will. I don't say anything back to him until we're outside of the building and Rick is waiting for us along the curb.

"We're driving?" I ask, shaking my head. "Do you know what happened last time?"

"Well, everything that's good is downtown and that's at least a ten minute car ride, if we walk it'll be close to half hour, I promise we'll be safe, Rick's a great driver." He says, he steps forward with his hand held out but he looks behind him and suddenly drops it.

"Now you just jinxed it, Memphis." I scowl. "No way am I getting in there now." I begin to walk and he finally grabs my hand.

"Please." His deep brown eyes bore into mine, making me melt. "You can close your eyes, or listen to some headphones or do whatever, just please trust us, trust me." He begs still holding me hand.

I snatch my hand away and move toward the car. "Fine, but next time you insist on driving, I am a lot more calm if I'm the one driving." I say swinging open the car door.

"Good morning, miss." Rick says smiling in the rearview mirror.

I don't get a chance to answer, Aiden slides in behind me, pushing me over and answers Rick. "Hello Rick, can you take us to Beaver's Lodge in downtown, and as per request can you drive extra careful, Junie doesn't do well in cars." Aiden tells Rick, smiling at me.

"Sure thing." He nods then puts up the privacy window.

"Wait! So I can't see the front?" I ask panicking.

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