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Last night sucked. I dreamed, I usually dream but they don't have visuals, just feelings which is a little bit easier, but last night was feelings and visuals. Seeing Chris again even if it was just a dream makes me hurt again.
I sit at the table in my kitchen and watch the rising sun along the trees. The cup of steaming coffee sits in my hands untouched.

"Did I do the right thing by coming here Chris?" I whisper into the cup.

I spend the next few hours alone watching the sun come up and finish unpacking the last of the boxes sitting around. I throw on a pair of sweats and a tank and lounge on the couch. I know when work comes along I'll be busy - I hope.

Around 2pm my doorbell rings, I bound down the stairs and quickly peek through the window beside the door, spotting a young boy.

"Hi?" I say hugging my arms around myself.

The boy holds up a tray covered in foil. "My dad says you're new, and when you're new we're suppose to bring you cookies?" He says almost skeptically.

I peer behind the boy and see a monster of a vehicle sitting on the street, the man behind the wheel gives a small wave - the man from the hardware store, I frown. Obviously he followed me home somehow, cause I have no idea how he'd be able to find me. I look at the little boy and force a smile, it's not his fault his dad is a creep.

"Well that's super thoughtful, what's yours and your daddy's name?" I say kneeling before the boy to grab the weighted cookies from his hands.

"I'm Marshall and Dads name is Aiden I think." He says shrugging and backing off the step. "I gotta go now, the cookies are real good, give them a try!" He calls taking off to the monster.

I slowly walk back in and place the cookies on top of the counter. I decide to call Paige one of my closer friends back home who also happens to be Chris's cousin.

"It's just weird, Paige, I meet him at the store, he helps me locate when I'm needing, and then somehow finds my house. D-did he follow me?" I say. Paige and I grew really close when Chris passes, we both grieved his loss hard. I pace the length of my kitchen venting to her, really just needing reassurance about the whole thing.

"Junie, I truly thinks he fancy's you." Paige drones on the other end, seeming bored.

"I'm married. It's creepy." I almost shout.

"You're a widow honey, plus it may be time to jump back on the horse. Chris would want you to meet new people."

I nod although I know she can't see me. "I know" I finally whisper trying to fight the tears.

"I know it's hard to hear, but maybe Chris led this Aiden and kid to you. Just let the leaves land where they may. It's time you take back your life, make yourself happy. It's clear moving across the state that you're not anymore happier maybe you need love or..."

"Or what Paige?" I wave my hand as if trying to get her to continue.

"Or sex?" She says softly.

I feel my heart race and my chest pull inwards to my heart. I haven't even thought about sex with someone other than Chris, it makes me feel dirty.

"Juniper?" She says after a minute of silence.

I clear my throat, maybe calling Paige was a bad idea. "I - umm, I gotta go." I say. "It was nice talking to you, and I miss you. I'll call you soon. Bye" I hang up before she can say anything else and toss my phone on the couch and make way to the bathroom to run a shower.


That's got to be the most obnoxious alarm clock a phones got to have.

I roll over, punch the stop button and pull the covers off my bare legs. I pad across the hall to the bathroom where my new, freshly pressed clothes hang.
I splash the sleep, the tears away and smile at my pale reflection.

"It's a new day." I tell myself. "It'll be a good day." I hope that's true.

I slide into my fitted faux leather trousers and put on my white camisole and throw over a pale pink wool coat. I usually don't wear any makeup but I go out on a whim and throw on some mascara. Next I twist my chestnut hair into a high neat bun. After i'm somewhat happy I trek downstairs to make breakfast, pack up my things and get going.

Dad: Good luck today, you won't need it though, you'll do great. (:

Paige: kill it today. sorry if the chat last night was too harsh. love u.

I sigh and put my phone in my bag along with my things.
I slip my dress shoes into my bag and grab my sneakers - gotta be comfortable to walk.

Memphis Outskirts is the biggest, fastest, richest construction company in the states, it has most of the population in this town working for it, and I'm just another employee added to the list, I look up at the tall building, impossible to count the windows.

The shiny front entrance slides open for me. "Good morning, miss. What are you here for?" Asks the security guard at the door.

"Uh, Hello. I'm new - starting today in journaling." I say softly.

"Alright, miss. You're going to want to head over to the ladies at reception and Miss. King will be down to give you a tour and introduction to the team." He smiles and waves me toward the desk a few yards away.

I walk slowly taking everything in inside the lobby, the white marble floors shine, and all the furniture is clean, minimal and white, its bright and open. All the plants thrive in this space, and the smell in the building is clean.

"Good morning" The blond at the reception sings.

I give a wave. "Hello, I'm new here, I'm supposed to meet Miss. King." I state.

"Your name?" She says not turning away from the computer in front of her.

"Juniper" I say still taking in the environment. I just hope my floor is this tranquil.

The receptionist picks up the phone. "Oh, hi. I have a Juniper here. She's starting today?" "Ok, see you soon."

"Have a seat, Juniper, Miss. King will be down shortly for you." She says waving her hand toward a row of stylish white chairs.

I take a seat in the chair closest to the desk, I keep my eyes down toward my hands in my lap.

"Oh god, here he comes!" I hear one of the ladies giggle at the other.

"I truly don't get tired of seeing him, probably part of why I won't ever leave." The other gushes.

I look behind me at the girls and follow they're gaze, they're looking at a suited behind, a rather nice behind. I can see why they're drooling.

"Good morning ladies." He says huskily. His voice sends butterflies through me.

"Juniper?" I hear a lady voice call from my other side. I break my daydreaming and stand before what looks to be Miss. King.

"Hello." I say stretching out my hand. Miss. King takes my hand and eyes my backpack slung over my shoulder.

"I walk to work." I explain.

"Ah, well It's nice to finally meet you, talking over email gets pretty winded. I think you'll enjoy your time here with us, we're glad to have you. Your portfolio was pretty impressive." She says leading me toward the elevators the sexy man took off on. "We're going to go through each floor, and I'll introduce you to each floor manager just in case we send you down, you'll know your way around, then we'll end off on the top floor where Mr. Memphis's office is and we'll introduce you to him, as you may have a run in or two with him, then we'll set you up with the journaling floor manager to take over your tour and office. Sounds good?" She finally asks meeting my face once the doors close.

I nod and gulp. So i'll be meeting everybody and the big buy, the big boss. At lease it'll be one and done, and won't be a month thing - I guess.

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