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Over lunch I get up and get ready to walk to the coffee shop Hailey recommended, I'm ahead of the story and want to spend the rest of the afternoon revising it. I should be out early today.

I wait for the elevator and hear footsteps behind me.

"Where you headed to?" Martin's voice asks from behind me.

"The coffee shop across the street, I need a little pick me up" I say smiling politely stepping onto the open elevator.

"Do you want a walking buddy?" He asks, smiling. His blond hair is styled messily in a curled mop on his head, his blue eyes dazzling, a soft shadow along his jawline, he's also super fit, tall and someone that would be considered attractive.

I blink catching myself staring. "Sure, why not?" I say still high on the good day I'm having.

"Cool." He smiles, pressing ground floor.

We ride down in silence. I take a few minutes to think of what Hailey said to me, maybe Martin does like me - but I've been wrong to assume before.

"Where you chums off to?" Says a deep, gravelly voice behind us. I sigh and turn around to face Aiden. I also see Martin stiffen from the corner of my eye.

"Coffee" I say hitching my thumb in the direction of the door.

"Oh, perfect. I was headed there too. I can give you guys a ride?" He offers striding past.

I catch Martin looking at me.

"I'm ok, I can manage walking - I've been sitting for most of the day." I smile and walk past Aiden through the doors.

Matching my step is Martin right beside me, our hands bump into each other and I move over putting more of a distance between us.

"What did you say to Memphis yesterday, he's super nice now." Martin says jokingly.

"Nothing. He doesn't do that often?" I ask curious.

He shakes his head. "Honestly I've never even seen him outside his office let alone on our floor, I've only seen him and his son in passing." He walks, moving closer and closer, leaving me hardly any room on the side walk.

"Oh, yeah, he has a son!" I say playing dumb, trying to get more information out on Aiden.

He nods, squinting up ahead. "Yeah, Marshall."

"Is he married?" I ask, yet again playing dumb, I know he's not married, he doesn't have any photos on his desk or a ring on his finger.

"Nope, never was. He was a football star in high school, got a full ride to college to play professionally. But, then Brittany fell pregnant, and Aiden took full responsibility after the birth. We see Brittany in Hollywood trying to get a gig or get signed. I have never seen her, only in tabloids." He tells me.

I feel my mouth open. "So, its only ever been Marshall and Aiden?" I ask, still shocked.

"Yup." He says, without emotion. I put my head down and continue our walk to the coffee shop.

We make it to the coffee shop, it's more of a walk than I previously thought, but maybe Martin led me to a different one. I look on the street and I don't see any of Aiden's cars. Martin distracts me by opening the door and ushering me in.

"After you, my lady" He says, ushering me with his hand.

I force a smile. "Thank you."

I don't see Aiden anywhere, so we ought to be in a different coffee shop, or Aiden simply didn't come because he's sulking. I finally look at Martin to see him watching me.

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