Chapter 1

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(Ming prov)

     Today is our first anniversary . I wanted to ask P’Kit first but he was fast he asked me first. I am so happy but I feel like something bad gonna happen. I ignored the feeling and went to the restaurant for my date.

     Today I thought to propose him to marry me I already bought the ring. I am excited.

    When I came to the dating area of the restaurant P’Kit came near me and slapped me.

“Cheater” that’s the first thing I heard from him

“I can’t believe that you cheated on me. Once a playboy always a playboy. I can’t take this anymore. Let’s break up”

      And now I know what is  the feeling I felt this morning. I think my sub-conscious mind already know this is gonna happen. I can’t believe P’Kit doesn’t believe me. If he doesn’t believe me then there is no reason in this relationship. I am really heart-broken now.

      I think this is what my ex-girlfriends felt when I broke up with them. This is all my karma that I am heart-broken in a very painful way.

“I can’t believe you did this I hate you Ming” Wayo said

        Now I noticed that everyone is here and their was A girl with them also.

        Wayo doesn’t believe me. You know I am from a very rich family but I was like a servant to Wayo when we were best friends. I did whatever he said me to do. I gave him whatever he wants. And this what I got. Nice-I thought.

         Then  P’Forth came near me I thought he will give a chance to say anything but he just slapped me and went outside followed by P’Beam. Who looked at me in disgust. Then P’Kit and Wayo followed P’Forth and went out. Even P'Forth doesn't believe his junior.

       Now it was just me and P’Pha I thought he will give me an earful worst slap me or hurt me or kill me. What we can except from of the dad of the doctors group but he said that he wanted to take a pregnancy test and confirm it.

       I couldn’t believe his words so I just followed him like a lost puppy to the Kongthanin hospital.

       We went to the hospital and took a pregnancy test. You must think how we can take pregnancy test this early stage of pregnancy its ‘cause the girl is actually four month pregnant you can see the little bump in her stomach if you see carefully.

        They said that the result will be in the hospital  within a week. And they will call us when its there we just wanna come and take it. Now I an very confused why he believe me when nobody doesn’t believe me so I asked him. When we were walking to my dorm.

“Phi why did you believe me” I asked

“Maybe I wouldn’t have believed you if I have not seen the ring box in your hand or if Kit  approaced you first and you were with Kit for one year that says how much you love him” he said while emphasizing “one”.

“Then your face when he broke up with you that’s the same face and that’s the same feeling I experienced when Wayo broke up with me so I believe you”he added

“I wish P’Kit believe me like you” I said

     Now we are infront of my dorm room I thought he will go but he said he will be with me and help me. And that day I cried myself to sleep.

      Next one week I have not went to my faculty. In this one week P'Phana was always with. I cried in his arms everyday he was always there to comfort me.

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