Capítulo 1

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Struggling to balance a large tray with smoking, tiny pots between her pincers, Scorpia smiled.

"Hi! I didn't see you at lunch. Or breakfast. "she greeted her friend.

"I like working as I eat, but people complain if I do that during meals. "Entrapta explained, her eyes set on her tablet.

She sat at the edge of a gully with Emily resting at her right side. They weren't too far from the camp, since Entrapta had promised the others to not wander around, but it was far enough to give her some peace as she worked.

"But don't worry!" Entrapta added in " I found lots of mushroons and berries at the forest. According to my data about wild food, there's 97% of chance that any of these aren't poisonous." she pointed with her hair a basket full of 'wild food' behind herself and giggled maniacally.

"Oh. Good." Scorpia forced a smile "I think that they'll do it greatly with this soup we had for lunch today. I remembered that you said that soup always made you feel better. And I found these tiny p..." she trailled off, as tentacles of purple hair grabbed the pots, taking care to not spill the hot liquid.

Entrapta hungrily drank all the soup and licked at every drop left in the tiny pots, for the scorpion princess' happyness.

"More?" she asked.

"No, thanks. But it was delicious!" with now genuine animation, Entrapta returned the pots to the tray, before resuming her previous position at the tablet.

Putting her now lighter burden away, Scorpia sat at the other side of her friend.

"Y'know, before Catra and I started to work together, I avoided eating at the Horde refectory whenever I could. " she started "Nobody wanted to talk to me because they believed that I was promoted to Force Capitain only for my princess condition. So, I kinda know what you're going through. But you've got to be patient. In time, everybody'll realize how lucky they are for having you back! They're just a little upset because of your days in the Horde... which is funny because they accepted me pretty fast, though I spent my whole life in the Horde! But they care about you, even if they don't seem! I was there when Bow and Glimmer tried to exchange you for Catra. They did all but crying when you said you would stay with us, don't you remember? If I wasn't so angry at them for kidnapping Catra, I would've felt sorry for both."

Entrapta frowned as she tried to remember the incident. Exchange... exchange... oh, it had been that day when a brother she built for Emily almost destroyed one of the Horde's warehouses because of a loose connection. Luckily, nobody got hurt, but from that day on Kyle always ran whenever he saw Entrapta. She wondered why. Yeah, she remembered vaguely that Bow and Glimmer had talked to her by tablet, but she wasn't paying much attention. So they were sad because of her?

She embraced her tablet against her chest.

"I didn't understand when they said they had came for me. " she muttered "Why would they, if they had left me in the Fright Zone? But then, I didn't know that Catra had lied to me."

She gave a sad look at Scorpia, whom shook her head in sympathy. Both had been manipulated and mistreated by someone they cared for.

"They weren't always nice to me, before I joined the Horde." Entrapta went on"Bow told me that you have to give all of you to make friendship work. I'm trying, but nothing I can do is good enough. I think that being a good friend is beyond my habilities."

"That's not true! You're a wonderful friend! You've always treated me better than anyone else in the Fright Zone." Scorpia protested energically. A shadow crossed her face, making her sigh "You were my best friend before I defected. Too bad I took one year to realize that, after Catra sent you to Beast Island. I wasted all those months waiting for her to realize she had wronged you! So, if someone is a bad friend, it's me."

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