Chapter 1 - Daydreams VS Reality

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Arima Kousei

"Friend A! Come on, and hurry up," her excited voice calls out to me. "Not only are you slow, you're boring, too! My grandma can walk faster than you!"

The sound of her voice is something pleasant to return to. Her harsh attitude towards me is something I've learned to get used to. Her love for food always manages to put a smile on my face. How different she is from everyone else brings back color to my once monotone world. The sky is an island blue, the cherry blossoms are a beautiful shade of baby pink, and I can see the bright green of the leaves on the flora around me once again.

Miyazono Kaori, the girl I met under the cherry blossoms in April. Of course, I didn't mean to meet her. She's the girl who likes my best friend, Watari Ryota, making things a whole lot more awkward. Why I had to fall for her when I wasn't supposed to, I don't even know for sure, but one thing is certain. She'll never notice me, I'm only Friend A, Watari's substitute for whenever he isn't around, AKA Arima Kousei. Meeting her was all part of the setup that Tsubaki had planned out for the two of them. I was to merely stand at the sidelines to play the part as Watari's wingman as he made his move on Kaori.

The sight of her blonde hair brings me back to my senses and out of my flashback. "Oh.. Yeah.. Sure thing.." I tell her, my voice fading away because of my lack of attention.

Is it weird that I've fallen in love with the girl my best friend likes?

She runs up to me and takes my hand, laughing at how much of a blur I'm in. She pulls me along with her, jogging to wherever she wants to go.

I always end up staring at her back.

I want to be beside her.

Not behind her.

"Hey, Kousei.. KOUSEI!"

A dream. That's all it was. A dream.

"Tsubaki," I start tiredly, lifting my head off of the floor, "I thought I told you not to wake me up.."

"You were muttering Kao-chan's name again in your sleep." This brings a blush to my face. Was I really that loud? "Are you sure you're okay? You seem pretty.. I don't know, out of it since you and Watari saw her in the hospital the other day. I can't blame you though.. Kousei."

The thought of seeing her there makes me nauseous, especially after seeing the nurses screaming for her. "It'll be okay!" and "Hold on!" were common things I heard. I just wanted to fade away on the spot and escape reality.

Kaori Miyazono became the reason I wanted to play again. But now.. I don't know.

"Tsubaki.. Can you just go, please?" I prefer not to think about it all together. I sit up and push away the notes that have fallen on the floor to make room for myself. I re-adjust my black square framed glasses and scratch my head.

It just hurts. It hurts a lot more than it should. Than anything should really.

"They'll be letting Kao-chan out of the ICU soon; do you want to visit her with us?"

I let my head fall as I stare at my lap. "No."

Tsubaki lets out a long sad sigh before leaving the room, I look up and see her that lips are pursed as she turns on her heel and leaves me alone.


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As always, stay awesome, bye! :)


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