Chapter 3: Discovery

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"How dare he?" Sharon thought as she looked at the home pregnancy test kit in her hands 🥺. Anxiously, she peed on it and waited miserably for her results.

Ty couldn't be still. He was pacing in the room as if he was in trouble. After few moments she came out with tears streaking down her face. He marched to her and snatched the results out of her trembling hands.

" Pregnant" said Ty. "Pregnant with a capital P".

"Why did you buy one?" Asked Sharon

"Cuz you were vomiting."

"Now that you know, what do you want to do?"

"Adopt the baby"

Her eyes grew huge "No"

"Why not?"

"I can't give you my baby"

"Fine then, leave my house"

"I will"

She turned around and walked out of the mansion. At the gate, she began crying....the night had just begun😭💔

Sharon looked left and right clutching her belly. Where would she possibly go? There was the baby to think of. How would she live?

"This is embarrassing" she thought to herself. She turned back and rang the doorbell. No one came. "This is just like him" Sharon thought. She kept ringing the doorbell until one of Ty's servants let her in. She marched straight to the bedroom she assumed was his and wasn't surprised when she didn't see him there. Angrily, she glanced around his room. It was huge and painted in masculine colors. Forest green and blue merged into a single color in the middle of the room. The huge king sized bed was decorated with a few blue pillows and a green bedspread. She heard water rush and she jolted . Listening more carefully, she determined that it was coming from his bathroom. She gingerly walked across his room and pushed the bathroom door open in a single fluid motion... She stood shocked as he turned around and caught her gaping 😮🤤

Ty rolled his hands into a fist 👊🏻when she left. "She has nowhere to go, and she's going to have a baby. She'll be back"he thought to himself but he wasn't so sure. Ty could clearly imagine what it would be like to hold the baby in his arms and feel her tiny fingers curl around his. He almost groaned aloud at the thought . Just a month ago Corrine had been expecting a baby....his baby....but then there was the accident that caused them all their lives . Now here was another chance to have a baby and he wouldn't let it pass. He stormed into his room and stripped off his clothes . He rushed into his bathroom and turned on the hot water faucet. Then he heard the doorbell ring. He smirked ."I knew she'd come back". After a few minutes, Ty heard his bathroom door being rudely pushed open. He turned around and was staring at Sharon face to face and he felt aroused instantly.
"Didn't your parents teach you how to knock?"

"I.... I'm sorry" she stuttered

Then Sharon ran out of the bathroom

He smirked and walked out of the shower 🚿 without bothering to get a towel

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