Chapter 4 Sparks

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"Shut up Paige!" Brook yelled. He tugged Michelle's good arm.

"Get up. It's time you left." Michelle stood up having no choice but to be led away by Brook. She heard Payton clap his hands in sarcasm.

"Well done Paige. Jett, looks like you keep your money." He said in a snide tone. Michelle didn't know what to make of them as she walked away.

"You can have the lower bunk. Leslie and Paige will be in the same room but you're not allowed to ask them any questions till morning. That's an order." Brook said, showing her to a bunk. Michelle noticed that her bag was already lying beside it.

"What makes you think you can order me around?" Michelle asked. Brook turned around so quickly that Michelle fell back on the bed. He clutched the bedpost above her head and leaned over her almost menacingly.

"I saved your life. I think I have the right." He said, staring down at her. Michelle stared back trying to think of a reason to contradict that but could not. She realized that Brook knew it too and saw a hint of a smile tug his lips.

"Get some sleep. You've had a long night." He said letting go of the bedpost. He was almost at the door when Michelle called him.

"Brook?" he turned.

"Thank you for saving my life."

"Forget it," he said. He turned out the light and left. Michelle laid down her pounding head. The painkiller had started to take effect and she felt sleepy. She closed her eyes, letting everything that happened replay in her head. Eight hours ago she never would have imagined she would be stranded in an unknown underground base, battered from a car crash, without a ride and her trip cut off throwing her into the middle of an unusual set of people.

Michelle was thankful for the painkiller – it had knocked her out like a light. She was sure she'd have nightmares of those men pursuing her otherwise.

She woke up feeling groggy and stiff but still better than the night before. She rubbed her eyes wondering why it was so dim – the only light she saw was through the curtain of a tiny skylight high on the wall. She got up and took out her toiletries from her bag using the light from her phone and navigated her way to the bathroom Leslie had shown her. After freshening up and showering, she pulled on a checked shirt and denim skirt and stepped out into the living room. Jett was on the couch snoring. Leslie was cooking something on an induction stove.

"Morning kiddo. You sleep okay?" Leslie asked. Michelle nodded.

"Morning. Is everybody still asleep?"

"No, they went out hours ago. Jett here is usually our baseman and I stayed behind to cook you a bit of breakfast – or should I say lunch, it's almost noon."

"Noon?" Michelle asked in surprise, glancing at the clock.

"Ah, it's okay. You're allowed to sleep in after all that last night," Leslie joked. Michelle smiled.

"Thanks." She sat at the table. "So... where did everybody go? Do they work in town?" Michelle asked. Leslie paused a moment before answering.

"You could say that. We do what we can to survive," Leslie answered. Michelle didn't miss the meaning between the lines.

"I understand," she said. Leslie turned around with a plate of beans and bread.

"Mexican style. Try it." Michelle took a spoon and scooped up a helping of beans into her mouth.

"Hmm... this is good." She said savoring the warm flavor.

"It was canned but I made some adjustments."

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