"And bhai you even did shopping not bad"

He just grinned "please don't tell this to anyone" he pleaded

I giggle "Okay bhai i won't but only on one condition"


"We will out for movie and fun park"

"Okay but i have to go for college"

"Bhai are you serious?"

"Umm yes why?"

I Began to laugh "bhai Today is Saturday! It's off today, you forgot?"

"Bhai now go get ready as you the are the birthday boy after all" i pushed him in his room.


When bhai reached the dinning hall, everyone gave him gifts and we even made his favourite food.

After Breakfast i said "mom i was thinking that let's go out somewhere"

"Yes sure, anywhere my Aarav want's to go" Mom said

"Yes Aarav say where you want to celebrate your birthday?" Dadaji asked

Bhai looked at me and i nudge him to say "umm i want to go out to watch a movie and fun park"

"Wow Bhai this is Amazing idea" i said as if i am so surprised

"This is Amazing Idea or your Idea priya?" Dad asked and bhai supressed my laugh.

I let out a nervous laugh "Uhhh why it would be mine? When Bhai wishes to go there, right bhai?"

He nod.

"Okay then i think we should leave in few hours" Dadaji said

"Yes Dadaji..but" i said

"But?" Mom asked

"I was thinking why don't we ask Bhaviksha Di's Family to join in with us?" I said and looked at Bhai.

I winked at him for which he grinned.

"Yes this is a very nice plan only if Aarav is Comfortable with it" Dad said

He grinned more and immediately said "I am perfectly fine"

"Okay then let me call for them" Dad said

Dad and mom persuaded them to join in and they finally agreed.

After one hour all of us were ready and Dad told that he will pick up Bhaviksha di's Mom and Dad and Bhai will pick up Bhaviksha and Rahul and i will be with Bhai.

First we went to Rahul's college.

Bhai move out of the car and i sat in there itself.

But i hear them.

"Happy Birthday Bhaiya"

"Thank you Rahul" bhai hugged him

"Bhaiya i brought this small gift for you"

"Thanks Rahul it's so good"

He smiled.

"Come let's sit in the car"

When he opened the back seat Door and when he Saw me glaring at him he immediately closed it.

I smiled, he fears me. Good!

I grinned mentally.

"what happened?" Bhai asked him

"Nothing Bhaiya...can i sit in front?"

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