17.Chocolates aren't that bad

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Rahul's POV

I am watching Fast and furious on TV when mom said that I have a call.

I take the call, thinking that it must be Bhaviksha.

"Hello" i said in bore

"Hello"  i heard her sweet voice

"He-hello, Pri-priya" why am i smattering?

She giggled "how are you?"

"Good" i looked at mom she was setting the table for dinner so i walk up to my room

"Aa please bring books tomorrow"

"Yes sure"

"In which period will you give it to me?" She asked

Which period?? I can't give her in school or else my friends will get another chance to tease me.

After school! No, then her mom would be with her

Before school! Perfect.

"Before school is fine with you?" I asked

"Yeah sure but how much early?"

"Very early " i hit my palm on my head, i am such a dumbo

She giggled "okay i understood but where will you meet me?"

"Infront of your class" i said

"Okay great"

We went silent

"Umm Rahul actually i have to go for dinner, mom is calling me so i will meet you tomorrow with books"

"Okay sure, bye"

"Good night"

"Good night"

I cut the call, why couldn't she talk for some more time??


I woke up early, gelled my hairs, washed my hairs 8 times, shaved my beard lightly, ironed my dress very neatly!

I stand infront of the mirror, hmm i look.......................as usual! Same.

I eat my food and then gargle my mouth and look at my teeths if food is stuck or not.

You aren't going on a date mister.

Yes i know but i am going school.

hmmm to meet someone early in the Morning.

I don't give a heed to my mind for now.

I take my bike and head towards my school.

When i reach school, i park my bike, i look at myself in it's mirror and set my hairs which got ruined.

I move towards my class, keep my bag on my desk and stand Infornt of her class.

My heart is Thumping so Badly.

After 5 Mintues i look her coming with a broad smile on her lips. She waved at me.

She has made high pony, she is wearing round Golden small loops, lips are shining as well.

Lip balm i guess.

She stands infront of me "i will just keep my bag and come"

I nod and she came back after a minute.

We both stand looking here and there.

She finally broke the silence "Umm Books?"

"Hunh?" I looked at her

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