14. Anything... Anything...

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After the Phantom's quick and unplanned visit to the masquerade, everyone ran off again. The hall, that 5 minutes ago was sparkling with lights and filled with sweet music, was now completely solitary and still. The smiles disappeared and the lavishness turned to desolation.
I was standing in the middle, examinig the empty place. All of the guests had left in amok and the time seemed to have stopped. It once again proved what the Phantom was to people - a source of nightmares and problems.

But now there was no use in mourning the lost night. I ran to the closest trapdoor wall, pushed it and went down the stairs to the Phantom's lair. Of course he was already there.

"Erik!" I shouted, didn't know if I was more resentful or relieved.
He turned around and I froze at the sight of his eyes.

"I had him in my grip!" He retorted resentfully.

"I couldn't let you hurt him! I can't let you hurt anyone!"

"I will do whatever it takes to have Christine!" The Phantom shouted in response. "She will be mine!" He hissed. "And there's nothing you can do."

I was in complete shock. No matter what I did, Erik was still the ruthless monster that I had met half a year ago. I didn't know what to say. I had nothing to say. I turned on my heel and ran out.
I hated running from him, I hated leaving him like this. I was back to square one. Like for these six months nothing had happened, nothing changed. History was repeating itself right in front of my eyes.

This time I knew exactly where I was going. I found the corridor with the bars above and jumped up, pushing the bars out. I got up and then put them back in their place. Christine's room hadn't changed much was what came to my notice when I looked around.

Suddenly I heard talking on the other side of the door and hid myself behind the mirror. The two voices, that were arealdy pretty familiar to me were getting more and more audible and soon I was able to hear and understand what they were saying.

"You needn't fret, Christine. I'm here with you."

"Raoul, it won't do anything. He will not stop."

"I can watch the door for you. You're safe with me."

Then came the silence. After a while the door creeked and Christine walked in.

"Christine." I whispered, walking out of my hiding spot.

She looked at me, surprised but relieved. I, however, was sad and ashamed.

"I'm so sorry." I said, fully aware that the cause of all the trouble that she was facing was the fact that I was unable to keep Erik from doing what he's done.

Christine looked at me with pity. I saw it in her eyes: she didn't believe I could have done anything anyway. At first I didn't want to admit it, but then I began to think the same. I sat down on the floor.

"Christine, he doesn't change. He never does!" I hid my face in my hands and tried to hold back tears. "I have tried."

I felt her soft hand on my shoulder. I looked up. There was fear in Christine's eyes. She was as scared as me, but nevertheless tried to cheer me up.

"He is still in love with you. And will do anything..." I mumbled "anything..."

"I know, I know." She wrapped her arms around me, kneeling on the floor beside me.

"Christine, I thought I could do something... anything."

She was silent for moment. Then she said quietly:

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