8. Fire, Water and Gasoline

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A lot of singing in this chapter, brace yourselves. Also I have no idea how I made the pic above, I used like 3 different apps to edit it, so here you have them: fireboy and watergirl XD

3rd POV

Christine couldn't resist the voice calling her from the other side of the mirror. When the glass barrier disappeared, she noticed the man was holding out his hand for her to take. What else could she do? She followed in.

The Phantom of the opera gently led her into the dark hallway and began the walk down to his world. Soon the mirror was far behind them and only his lamp was lighting up the way.

"In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came" Chrisitne wondered out loud.

Erik felt a familiar thrill, hearing her beautiful voice. Only now she was singing for him and only for him. Now that she had seen him, everything was about to change.

"That voice which calls to me and speaks my name."

She compared her imagined picture of the Angel of Music to the man walking before her. No similarities to be spotted. And yet she still believed it was the same man, who had been teaching her, the man who allowed her voice to thrive.

"And do I dream again, for now I find: The Phantom of the Opera is here, inside my mind."

The famous Opera Ghost has put a spell on her, that she couldn't fight. She just gave in to his magic once he started his verse:

"Sing once again with me our strange duet. My power over you grows stronger yet."

Erik didn't quite know what to say around her. Still, he was making it seem like he knew what he was doing. Throughout their journey in the Phantom's world, he noticed multiple times that Christine was looking away from him. His thoughts battled on whatever might have been the reason for that. Was she scared? Scared of him? Was she still thinking about this insolent boy, this slave of fashion? Accidentally he let his wonders out loud:

"And though you turn from me, to glance behind, The Phantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind."

As the walk continued Christine was getting more and more curious; about everything. Hunderds of questions were flooding her mind at the same time and whenever she was certain to ask something, another, more interesting wonder would appear. Finally her curiousness reached it's peak and she decided to mention it to her mysterious guide:

"Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear."

That was right. Noone had seen his face before. And yet, what he had to give was shown to the world.

"I am the mask you wear-"

"It's me they hear." He finished for her.

He seemed to have perfectly guessed her thoughts. Though the world had seen and heard Christine, it was the Phantom's teachings, that she was representing. His voice has been heard through her.

"My/your spirit and your/my voice in one combined." The sounds literally merged in the song.

"The Phantom of the Opera is there/here, inside your/my mind." They finished also together.

After a long foot walk through the catacombs, Chrisine saw something that she had least expected, an underground lake. The boat was already awaiting at the underground dock. The Phantom helped her in and stepped on the boat right behind her. He pushed them from the shore with a pole and continued to sing:

"In all your fantasies you always knew, that man and mystery-"

"-were both in you."

Phantom ChildOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant