2. Angel of the dungeons

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3rd POV

Christine Daaé was sitting in an empty room with only a little table and a chair. On the table there was a candle, which lit up the place, and a photo of her with her father, Gustave Daaé. He had been a famous swedish violinist, but sadly passed when his daughter was only a child. How she missed him since he'd died. The only thing that she had left was this photo.

And of course her Angel. Her mysterious teacher who would come every evening and practice singing with her. Christine's voice was so sweet and well controlled only thanks to him.

This night the Angel was late. Christine started wondering what could possibly stop him? What else did he have to do? She decided to call out for him.

"Angel of music, speak. I'm waiting. Waiting for your guidance..."

For a moment it was silent. She was really concerned, but then man's familiar voice answered her at last.

"Angel of music, sing. I'm coming. Let me hear your singing."

She smiled back again, having heard his father-like voice. In fact, he was like a father to her. She didn't really remember her real dad's voice from the time when he was alive, but one sentence was ringing in her head all the time. A promise, that he'll send an Angel of Music to look after her. 

Was it possible? Could the voice teaching her be her father? For now, she had no way of knowing. Even so, she loved the lessons with her Angel.

After a little while his voice spoke again:

"Sing for me, Angel of Music."

"What should I sing, Angel?" Christine asked hesitantly.

She was surprised when he suggested "Think of me" from the opera, that she and other actors just started rehearsing some time prior. She wondered out loud what was his purpose. She wasn't even meant to sing it in the show. Angel only responded with:

"Patience, my dear. You are meant for much greater things than this little loud toad."

Christine chuckled at the name that he just used to describe Carlotta. Carlotta was the primadonna, the first lady of the stage, but actually noone in the whole Opera house enjoyed her singing. Not only her singing but mainly her character was getting on everyone's nerves. She behaved like a queen and treated everyone as her servants.

Christine smiled, knowing what her teacher thinks of her. She took a deep breath and began the song.

Meanwhile, under her feet, under the floor, in a dark hallway, listening to her voice stood the Phantom. He was enjoying the only pleasure of his life, his Angel singing.
From the moment he first heard her sing, he immediately fell in love with her. Not only with her voice but with her character and face and everything about her was just so special to him.

While he never showed himself to her, he had seen her many times, through the mirrors or on the stage, from his usual seat in Box 5. He hoped that one day he'll reveal his identity to her and she will stay with him forever. 

His lonely heart yearned for love, that he had never been shown by anyone except Christine. Will she be able to love him after finding out his true form? He could only hope.

Maya's POV

I had absolutely no idea which way did the Phantom go. He just flipped his cape and disappeared. Like some kind of magician or something. Nevertheless I decided to explore the opera's dungeons on my own and find him as well as the voice which saved my life.

I recalled he came from my right so I turned left to where, I assumed, was his destination. When I was far away enough not to see the light from the window, I felt a little scared.

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