4. Monster or not?

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As I said, I already have the whole story prewritten till the very last  chapter and now I'm constantly looking forward to publishing the next chapter, which I do once in two days. So if you get it, you get it:

Me, when it's time to publish: For long, weary months I have awaited this hour!

3rd POV

It was late at night, when the Phantom returned to his lair. He had been with his Angel, Christine. She didn't necessarily see him, but he was there. Except for giving singing lessons, the "Angel of music" was also very often just talking to her, or even telling her bedtime stories, but that happened more when she was younger.

The Phantom didn't really care about his sleep schedule. As someone, who didn't have anything to do, he had a lot of time for everything. That doesn't mean he wasn't spending most of his time on things related to Christine. He was watching the rehearsals, wandering around the dungeons, composing music, drawing, writing notes. These were the actions on his daily agenda. And he didn't really care if it was daytime or the middle of the night.

Phantom entered his lair through one of the hidden trapdoors. He almost jumped of surprise when he saw a girl lying on the floor, sleeping. He had completely forgotten about her. He awkwardly stood for a while, examining his new, young guest and wondering what had actually happened. A kid just suddenly appeared in his opera house and... didn't seem to want to leave.

The girl had long, messy, brown hair and some torn up, used, clothes.

She girl was sleeping peacefully near his bookshelf, curled up on the stone floor. It didn't seem to bother her in her sleep. "She must've must've been brought up on the street." the masked man thought to himself. 

Having any contact with a human being (other than Madame Giry) was itself very unfamiliar for the Phantom. He was trying to remain unseen to the people, who once hurt him because of his appearance. And if someone did see him, well, then his white mask and black cape would be the last things they saw in their lives.

so usually everyone would either run from him or want to fight him; but not her. Maybe it was because of the fact, that she was just a kid and didn't really understand the danger that he was creating... Even after he almost killed her twice. She also tried to kill him too, but he assumed that it was just in self defence. After all, that's what he himself was doing too.

She was really similar to him... He was feeling different towards her. It was like he liked her, but not the same way he liked Christine. Something like, he just wanted to kill her less. He didn't know how to name that feeling.

Suddenly the Phantom realized he didn't even know the girl's name. Even though they had already shared a talk, he didn't get to ask her. As mentioned before, talking was not necessarily something that he was good at (even though he praised himself for being skilled in many areas).

He decided to talk to her the next day, if he manages to keep up the conversation. If not, then he would just ignore her and see where that gets him...

Still thinking about tomorrow, the Phantom decided to go to sleep. He took off his coat and vest and snuck into his bed, which was situated in the coffin; it kept him reminded of that other dream-less sleep that cures all ills, forever...

Next day, Maya's POV

Before I even opened my eyes I heard music. The music was played on pipe organ and it sounded like a lullaby. It was slow and the melody was very calming. Still half asleep, I started wondering why do I even hear this music? Had I fallen asleep next to the cathedral's door? Again? Hey, it sometimes happens!

Phantom Childजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें