Chapter 65. 'Back to School.'

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"You're not Eme's boyfriend but someone is definitely dying to have one." Arika says wiggling her eyebrows at her best friend, Akriti who pinches her arm earning a yelp and teasing grin from Arika who rubs her arm.

"And someone is being asked out these days." Akriti fires back smirking at Arika who gives her a toothy smile. Varun scoffs at that looking away with a roll of his eyes.

"If you guys are planning to talk about school love affairs and dating stuff, consider me dead. Not ineterested." The girls snicker hearing that leaving Nishi clueless, "What?"

"You might not me interested but people are." Antrika chirps up with a big mischievous smile towards the youngest.

"What do you mean?" Nishi blinks as she asks making Chaitanya and Suhaas sigh while Varun stares at the dumb girl who is always clueless when something is about her.

"Nothing. Just The Everett Khaling looked at you two times since the time you entered here." Emelia says flipping her hair dramatically.

Nishi stares at the girl and says, "You're gonna hurt your neck like that." The boys laugh with the girls while Emelia throws a glare in Nishi's way.

Nishi rolls her eyes commenting, "Teenagers."

"Hey! You're the youngest teenager!" Antrika says slapping her back lightly.

"Whatever." Nishi shrugs.

"How are you now?" Mia asks smiling at the youngest.

"I'm in one piece." Nishi says looking here and there as she feels a pair of eyes watching her.

'Everybody is watching.' A voice says.

'Still, something is off.' Nshi thinks seeing through her peripheral vision that someone is staring at her.

"Good!" Anjali says smiling.

"What's this भीड़ (crowd) for?" Nishi asks looking at the crowd all around ignoring the odd stare.

"Some transfer students are here." Shivika tells her joining them with Nia and Nikki who adds, "But students are basically here to see you."

"Am I an antique piece?" Nishi asks with a sweet smile.

"Not less than one." Varun comments staring her boringly. She slaps his stomach earning a chuckle from Nikita and Arika.

"We are going to have our exams soon. Then how?!" Nishi asks with a frown looking at them suddenly finding it odd.

"They are some high-profile people's kids like you." Chaitanya comments earning a blinking look from Nishi, then adds shrugging, "Politician's relatives."

Nishi rolls her eyes and walks towards the main building for the locker room first, "Then why are they staring at them?"

"They're handsome and gentle men too like our hot footballers." Emelia says dreamily.

"New students साल के बीच में? I never saw something like this. I mean, exams are near." Nishi mutters.

[ Translation : "New students in the middle of the term?" ]

Anjali comments walking with them, "Politician के रिश्तेदार होने का फ़ायदा।"

[ Translation : "The advantage of being a politician's relative." ]

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