Adelaide put a smile on her face when she noticed that the kid is disgusted with the red liquid. “That tastes nasty.” He commented.

Adelaide remembered the first time she had a taste of any alcoholic beverage. She was at her first college party. While everyone is having fun, Adelaide wasn’t. She was a freshman, she doesn’t have any friends, and no one wanted to befriend her. She was so out of place. The other students were daring her to drink until she gave in and drank the entire two bottles of vodka in just one night.
That was the night she fell in love with vodka. Afterwards, the morning she woke up, that was the first time she experienced being in a hangover. Adelaide had a massive and excruciating headache.

“Well, just stick to soda pop there, bud.” Shane cracks a joke.

Adelaide sips wine from her glass as she saw Daryl walks through her peripheral vision. “Not you, Glenn.” He smirks.


“Keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get.” Daryl poked fun at Glenn as he pours another drink for himself. Adelaide glances at her Asian friend, unaware of what they are talking about.

As Adelaide is about to serve herself another drink, she heard Shane clear his throat. “What?” She glimpses at her brother, carefully letting go of the bottle.

Shane ran his hand to his chin, “That’s your fifth glass,”

“So?” Adelaide reprimanded. The room erupted with laughter. Shane, however, doesn’t look amused. “The world ended. What could happen worse?” Rick joked, and Adelaide agreed.

“How old are you, Adelaide?”
Adelaide proceeded to pour the remaining wine into her glass before answering Daryl’s question. “Twenty-four.”

“See, she’s not a kid nor a minor. Let her live a little, Shane. I’m sure it has been a while since she had a drink.” Dale commented as he secretly winks at Adelaide.

“I attended a rave party before shit happened,” Adelaide recalls about her previous experience of being in a rave. Shane’s eyes widen, shocked by the new information he recently heard. “Don’t worry, father. I have a high alcohol tolerance.” She blurts before receiving a huff from her older brother.

Adelaide heard someone clinking their glass. “It seems to me we haven’t thanked our host properly,” Rick cited, putting up his glass.

T-Dog raises his wine glass, “He is more than just our host.” Everyone praises the doctor, including Dale and even Daryl.


There is an indescribable sensation in Adelaide’s stomach, and she doesn’t know why she is feeling this. It definitely is not because of the alcohol she just consumed or the food that is being served—unless there is something in the food they ate. All she is sure of is, Doctor Jenner is hiding something from them.

Or maybe, Adelaide is just being paranoid.

“So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, doc?” Shane raises a question to the suspicious doctor. Adelaide stared at her brother with her eyes wide open. “All the, uh, the other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they?” The former cop had his eyes on the doctor intensely.

𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐒, rick grimesWhere stories live. Discover now