"A, why are you covered in blood?" oh shit how should i explain that to her.

" well, I forgot to mention that not only do we have a whole new gang tracking us down but also my father got word that Im back." i said. She slowly stood up and asked,

" so why does that explain the blood Aella? Did you. Did you kill your fucking father?"

I stood up her eyes automatically darting to my clothes, I laughed,

"No Aub, not yet at least. His death is going to be slow I want him to feel every little thing." she winced

" but no, I went outside to cool down before coming in to check on you and turns out my father sent someone to check to see if I was actually here, he attacked me so yes him I did kill, but don't worry his death was fast. I mean besides the couple minutes he spent choking on his bl-"

"Aella stop." she looked at me with worried eyes.

"Shit Aub, I forgot it was you who I was telling the story to, I'll try to censor myself a little around you."

"I'm just a little shaken up still with everything that has happened today." she sighed and proceeded to fall back on the bed. I was about to lay next to her but decided I should probably wash all the blood off first.

"Im going to head in to take a shower you should take a nap sleep off the stress." i suggested

"Yeah I think im gonna go ahead and have a nap im too emotionally, mentally and physically exhasuted."

" you want me to get you anything? Water? A snack?" she nodded,

"Can I just have some water please." I nodded and headed down stairs. I went into the kitchen and started filing up a glass of water when it came to mind that Aubrey needed to really relax and a small hour nap wasnt going to destress her.

 After I finished filling her glass, I walked over to the cupboard searching for the little droplets we use to fall asleep. These were very common to have around here. Most of us have very dark demons that prevent us from sleeping. These little droplets are the only things that help us rest. Some of us abused them more than we should have and by some I mean me. I would take anything that helped me escape the reality of this life we had. 

One too many times I would end up just adding too many drops which led to my stomach being flushed out. These aren't the only things that helped me escape but it was one of the more accessible ones. I reached the back of the cupboard and finally found them. 4 drops takes you out for half a day but 6 drops lets you sleep day and night so i guess 6 it is. As I was adding the drops Luca walked into the kitchen. I immediately tensed up given that he would be the one who would flush my stomach out. He looked at the bottle and made eye contact with me, he shook his head,

"I guess some things never change." he said out loud as he watched me walk out of the kitchen. I didn't really feel the need to explain to him given that he made it pretty clear how he felt about me. I mean its understandable i wasn't expecting to be received with open arms and im not expecting a relationship with him again but I cant say that it doesn't hurt to lose a brother. Had it been the old Aella back in high school, it wouldn't have bothered me because people come and go and the only person you have is yourself, at least that's what my father always told me but I guess living alone and getting away from all of this really makes you realize that you do have a heart. But I guess now things change and im back to where I was all those years ago.

I finally made it up the steps and reached Aubrey's room. I knocked twice and let myself in. she was just lying there lost in her own thoughts.

"Here Aub drink it so you can have a nap." she sat up and took the water and gulped it down. She smiled,

"Thank you A." I walked over to the closet to kill some time so I could make sure the sedative worked on her.

" Hey Aub did you bring any sweaters, I barely have clothes here that aren't from highschool." she laughs,

"Yeah you could wear whatever I have in there." she pointed to the closet.

I began to just rummage, not really looking for anything in particular. After about three minutes I looked over and her eyes were starting to flutter shut until finally they were completely shut.

I sighed and walked out of the closet. It was 1 pm already and she was most likely going to be out until tomorrow morning. I threw a blanket over her and walked out of the room heading to Alessandro's room.

I walked in and started undressing while heading to his bathroom. As I let the water run and adjust a little I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that the little scuffle I had outside left what would be a bruise around my ribs. It hurt but I knew they were not broken. I've had broken ribs and they were 10 times worse than this. I headed into the shower and just let the water hit me. In that moment I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I have been trying to push all these emotions to the side and ive been successful given that I haven't really had time alone but now being here in my own thoughts has me realising how insanely fucked up this whole situation is. How insanely wild my life is. Having a gang hunting you down and your father having a hit out for you. I was doing perfectly fine in Greece being a nobody, going to school, making plans for my week, going grocery shopping,  but of course I had to let my selfishness bring Aubrey into this. I mean who knows if I could find a way to have her just go back to her completely normal life without now having her watch over her shoulder all the time. This isn't something you just brush off. Once you're in this lifestyle it'll be with you until the day you die. I was stupid to think visiting her would be fine. How did I not think that the minute I stepped back into the states it wouldn't send off signals of my whereabouts. This is completely fucked.

Escape // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now