''good Yoongi, but you forgot the important one, which is the main purpose of this new mission,''


''hm? what is it?''

Mr. Shang-

''Hymonto owned 7 nuclear bombs in Russia, which also became part of his property, it was his duty to protect the bombs from any situation, but after his death, his property should be owned by his first wife's son, Duko Hymonto, but somehow now all of his property belongs to his second wife, Zierra Bonzua,''


''oh, the German one who is like 65 years younger than him, right?''

Mr. Shang-

''right Jin, he married to Zierra 1 year before his death, that means last year, somehow, we believe that this lady married him to get his property,''


''married for money huh? so what do we have to do with this family problem?''


''yeah, it doesn't sound important,''

Mr. Shang-

''I know, but I said the basic stuff, the real problem is this lady, Zierra, she's ready to launch those bombs somewhere in Asia...''



''what?! ''


''you meant...the nuclear ones right?''

Mr. Shang-

''yes, as I said, Hymonto owned those bombs, now since the property belongs to Zierra now, so she can use it as she want,''


''yeah it's not illegal from the law, but still she can't use the nuclear bombs, if she did bombed them on Asia, we all gonna die! just like what happened to Japan in WW2.''

Mr. Shang-

''yes Tae, that's the point, She needs to see Asia getting destroyed, she's a heartless bitch, she would do anything to get to her goal, she took my best Russian spy and fighter that I ever had,''


Mr. Shang-
''yeah, Alexei...''


''so what do we have to do now?''

Mr. Shang-

''well, what do you have to do is, you have to find these bomb passcodes before Zierra does, Zierra already got 2 of them, one was in japan and the other one was in Germany, our spies found that rest of the passcodes are also somewhere in Europe.''


''so what we have to do is go to Europe and get passcodes?''

Mr. Shang-

''exactly, by the way, you are not doing alone,''


''what does that mean?''

Mr. Shang-

''you'll get help from another gang like you,"


''another gang like us? who are they?''

Mr. Shang-

''from the name, Blackpink,''


''Black what?... wait a damn minute... are they...''

Yoongi and Jungkook-


Mr. Shang-

''to make the long story short, yes they are girls...''


''what the...''


''guys, shhhh! Mr. Shang, we don't know who are they, are we gonna meet them or something?''

Mr. Shang-

''actually, yes. you all gonna meet them tomorrow 9 am, the future plans will be discussed tomorrow.''


Mr. Shang, excuse me, since we are getting another team for help, will it be a lot difficult, cuz this is our first first time we work with another team...''

Mr. Shang-

''huh, no, it gets way worse...bye.''




''dude said 'way worse'...''


''alright, tomorrow 9am...''


''actually today 9 am''


''aaah, whatever, look tough boys''


''today is gonna be my worse nightmare...''


''so does mine, I'm gonna eat a lot ramen before getting sleep, it makes me feel a lot better...''


BLACKBANGTAN -THE BEGINNINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora