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"Ooh, this is gonna be so good," Kourtney squealed, holding the fabric against Seb for measurements, "Carlos would wear it."

We all chuckle, knowing that Carlos is the harshest fashion critic. "Does he just walk around in Armani sweatpants?" Ashlyn asks Seb teasingly.

"I guess," Seb responds, his gaze dropping to the ground sadly.

"Uh, Sebbie?" Kourtney asked, moving the material off of him.

"Is something going on with you guys?" Nini asked, her voice laced with concern.

Sebastian sighed, turning to face us, "I guess you could say he met a group of extremely photogenic guys when he was down in Mexico, and he seems pretty happy. So, now I'm pretty sad."

"Seb," I frown at him, "come on, I've known Carlos a long time; he is at his happiest when he's with you." The other girls nod in agreement.

"Mmm, but I guess he has to be, out of default, right?"

Kourtney took a seat on the couch, "what does that mean?"

"There's not a lot of other choices for a boy like Carlos here at East," Seb explained, sitting down beside Kourtney and Ashlyn.

"Have you told him how you feel?" Gina asks him.

Seb shakes his head, "I'm not so good at saying the feelings part out loud." He admits.

"Never hurts to put yourself out there," I offer, though I guess I didn't follow that advice very much; I'm not the kind of girl who makes the first move, I usually waited for the guy to; not because I didn't believe girls couldn't make the first move, but mostly because I didn't want to get rejected, "or so I've heard, I'm not really the greatest person to be giving relationship advice."

They all chuckled at my response, "I wouldn't be too sure," Nini sings teasingly, "Did I see you and EJ giggling at the Pizza place today? You guys seemed pretty friendly."

Ashlyn raised her hand before I could answer, "I have some questions in the same general area," she admits; I guess the change between us had been obvious.

"I guess we're friends now," I shrug, the blush beginning to coat my cheeks contradicts my statement, causing my friends to quirk their eyebrows at me.

"C'mon Ro," Gina nodded at me encouragingly, "you know you can tell us anything; it'll stay between us."

The rest of them nodded in agreement, "Fine," I sigh, shaking my head, "I kind of like EJ." I admit, wringing my hands together; they all squeal excitedly. "well, no, I really like him, like a lot, but nothing is going on between us; he sees me as a friend."

Kourtney looked at me unconvinced, "are you sure?"

Before I can respond, Gina says, "you're kidding? That boy is crazy about you," I shake my head; I wouldn't go that far, "trust me, I may not be the greatest at reading signs, but even I can see EJ likes you."

We all chuckled at that, knowing exactly what she's talking about, "What do you mean, you're bad at reading signs?" Nini asks, not getting why we all found what Gina said amusing.

"You didn't hear about the chocolates?" Ashlyn asks; Nini shakes her head.

"Oh, um..." Gina glances at me with wide eyes, "I... thought Ricky sent me some chocolates on Valentine's Day, and I kind of melted a little, as a friend." Nini doesn't seem to find the story very amusing; then again, I guess that makes sense; she and Ricky had been dating at the time, "But he didn't send me chocolates. It was my mom."

"Why'd I never hear about this?" Nini asks, chuckling awkwardly.

Gina dismissed her, shaking her head, "it wasn't a big deal."

Wildest Dreams | EJ CaswellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ