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Winter Break went by too quickly in my opinion, even if I had spent it at the Caswells; for the most part, I'd done an amazing job at keeping myself busy and going out with friends. Still, for reasons I do not understand, Bella loves EJ, meaning whenever she and I hung out, she'd ask him to come along, which he never said no to...like ever.

In what felt like no time at all, we were all back in the cafeteria eating lunch, all of us drama kids crowded around one table: well, most of us anyway. Nini left New Year's Day, and to my relief, she and Ricky were still going strong. Still, it felt weird not having her with us, and it was definitely going to take a bit until I got used to her being gone.

"Attention thespians, I have a brief announcement." Carlos stood up from his seat, speaking loud enough that almost everybody else in the cafeteria could hear him, "after spending the last couple of weeks google stalking the Menkie awards. I've discovered there is no category for Best Choreography, and since the Menkies is step one to me becoming the first-ever winner of the MEGOT..." he paused for dramatic effect, "I've decided that I will be auditioning to be on stage this year; thank you all!"

Carlos bowed as we clapped for him, "Big Red's trying out too!" Ashlyn announced, lifting the boy's hand in the air.

"Yeah, he is," Ricky smiled at his best friend.

"Big up's, Big Red." Gina congratulated, leaning her hands on the table, "you gonna show me some of those allegedly great tap moves?"

The redhead chuckles weakly before responding, "I'm so scared...."

"Oh," Ashlyn grabs his arm, remembering something, "just remember, you cannot play chip the teacup since obviously it'd be weird for you to be my son." If I'm being honest, I'm shocked Ashlyn isn't going out for Belle? In my opinion, she's perfect for the role, and sure, either Kourtney or Gina would do amazing too; Ashlyn just screams Belle to me for some reason. "I mean, I'm probably getting Mrs. Potts, not that we don't all have an equal shot."

"What part are you going out for, Rory?" Sebastian asked, causing everyone to turn their gazes over to me.

"None of them," I answer quickly; I loved theatre, don't get me wrong, but I'd preferred the backstage part of it; I'm not a performer.

Everyone's eyes widen as if they're shocked by the news, "you're not auditioning?" Kourtney asked, she was trying out too this semester, and it's obvious she's upset I'm not joining her and the others; I shake my head in response, "C'mon Rory, you killed it singing gotta go my own way at the party."

Before I can deny it, everyone else begins chiming in, "she's right, you have a killer voice, Ro." Ricky nudges me.

"And I've seen you dance," Carlos pipes up, raising his hand, "you're good at that too." A few more people add in compliments, my cheeks get warmer by the second, a blush beginning to coat them

"Please, Aurora," Gina pouted at me from my other side, "we're all doing it; it won't be the same if you don't."

I sigh, holding my hands up in surrender, "fine, I'll audition, but no big parts... I'll be a dancing fork or something."

"There are no small parts, only small actors," Ashlyn remarked, pointing at me.

Before I could reply, EJ walks over from the water polo table; him not being here had been nice while it lasted, "You're welcome," He says to Ricky, sliding into the spot between us.

"Huh?" Ricky asked, his eyes wide in confusion.

"Uh, I've decided to take myself out of the running for the Beast?" EJ announces; I try not to let my excitement show on my face; EJ wasn't doing the musical? This is great news. "I'm just... I've got a lot on my plate." He snaps his fingers, as if he just remembered something important; pulling his phone out of his pocket, "which reminds me, I should probably pick a meal plan for Duke."

Wildest Dreams | EJ CaswellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin