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A few weeks had gone by since my parents moved to South Carolina, leaving my little sister Bella and I in the watchful eye of our neighbors, the Caswells, and it seemed they got busier and busier as weeks went by. Not only were they teaching, mentoring students, and grading papers... they'd also decided to write a book about the experience, leaving them minimal time to do anything else.

Bella and I had talked to them a few times, not for long, but enough to remind me that my parents hadn't given up on us completely, they even told us they were planning on coming home for spring break, so at least we had that to look forward to; a week as a family, and I get to spend it in my actual bedroom, sounds exhilarating.

Still, it was hard not having our parents here, especially for Bella; tonight was her school's "sweetheart" dance, one the parents were supposed to attend with their kids. The other day, she was a mess over the fact that neither mom nor dad would be home to take her... so I stepped up, meaning I'm spending my valentines at the elementary school, surrounded by little kids and their parents.

"Okay, people," Carlos ran into the center of the bomb shelter, "The title song of Beauty and the Beast is the centerpiece of our show, written at the height of Ashman and Menken's powers, and it's their most romantic ballad since Suddenly, Seymour. As a reminder, Belle is finally falling for the Beast, and it's not because of Stockholm syndrome y'all. Love is love."

Gina nodded for our Belle and Beast to stand up, "Ricky and Ash, it's time to review the waltz... let's take it way under tempo." She instructed Seb, who sat at the piano; I leaned my chin in my hand, watching the rehearsal.

Kourtney sounded nervous, her voice not up to its full potential, while Ricky was practically falling asleep, stepping on Ashlyn's toes as they waltzed. "What's up with Bowen?" EJ whispered, quiet to ensure he wasn't disrupting the rehearsal.

EJ and I's relationship had not changed; he still annoyed the crap out of me and was very determined to be my friend. While I stayed consistent with my snarky remarks and reminders to him that it was never going to happen, but we talked more; I guess... it was kind of inevitable given that we live together.

"He took a bus all the way to Denver last night to surprise Nini. Meanwhile, she came home for the weekend to surprise him last night." I whisper, explaining what Ricky had told me this morning; I guess it's the thought that counts; I don't know any boy who would travel that far to serenade me at my window; then again, I wasn't all that into grand romantic gestures anyway.

"Oof," EJ cringed, shaking his head, "that's rough... then again, that's the price you pay for romance," I furrowed my brows at him; I'd forgotten that Valentine's Day was a holiday that some people enjoyed? I'd always disliked it, and it was only partially because I'm single.

I nodded, turning to face our friends again, "yeah, I guess...."

Rehearsals ended with absolutely no progress made; Kourtney was having a hard time singing the song. Ricky needed either a nap or a couple of energy drinks, and Ashlyn was extremely discouraged looking.

"Come on; waltzing is hard, trust me," Gina reassured her, as the three of us walked down the hall, "you've got two legs, but the songs in three...." She shook her head in disbelief, "that's madness."

"Plus, your partner was basically half-asleep," I remind her, trying my best to cheer her up.

We pause in front of Ashlyn's locker, and she sighs, "I guess, I just don't feel like a natural Belle yet." She admits to us, shrugging her shoulders sadly. "I mean, we've all seen the movie. She's..."

"A cartoon," Gina finished her sentence, "and you're her everything."

I nod in agreement, "no one can play this role like you can, Ash."

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