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Unlike most Saturday mornings, where I sleep in and wake up the smell of breakfast cooking, this morning, I woke up to my phone ringing and an anxious-sounding Miss Jenn telling me to get ready cause she was going to be picking me up in 5.

She didn't have to explain why though, I could piece it together myself; North High last minute decided to change up their musical and do Beauty and the Beast too; and although Miss Jenn was trying to keep her cool in front of us, it was obvious she was freaking.

This wasn't the first time I'd been woken up early for a musical-related "emergency." last semester, I swear I hung out more with Miss Jenn and Carlos than anyone else while getting High School Musical ready. Still, this felt way more serious.

So, as much as I wanted to sleep in, I dragged myself out of bed, throwing on the first outfit I could find; my favorite pair of jeans, a black crew, and my go-to converse; it wasn't my best outfit, but it wasn't like Miss Jenn gave me a lot of time anyway.

I exited my room as Miss Jenn notified me, she was here, my backpack swung onto my shoulder, "Aurora," before I could climb down the stairs, EJ walked out of his room; his voice was raspier than usual; he'd just woken up, "where are you going?"

"Miss Jenn is coming to pick me up," I explain, a slight yawning escaping my lips, "I think it's about the whole North High thing; I wouldn't be surprised if she calls an emergency rehearsal."

EJ chuckled tiredly, nodding his head, "See you later then."

I nod at him, shooting him a quick wave before I walk down the stairs and out the front door, where Miss Jenn's yellow car is waiting, parking in the Caswells driveway, "Good morning dear," She greets me; somehow, she looked well rested and not tired at all. I slide into the backseat behind her, shooting Carlos a "do you know what's happening look," he merely shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee; I sigh, I'd been in such a rush I didn't grab any food or coffee on my way out... I'm going to regret that in about an hour.

Just as I thought, Miss Jenn requested I send a message to our group chat, informing everyone to meet in the bomb shelter... she was throwing a last-minute weekend intensive, and she gathered Carlos and I to help her grab all the supplies we'd need.

So, after a quick trip to Target, we were back at East High, carrying bags full of pool noodles, hula-hoops, and many other random supplies Miss Jenn planned on using for various drama exercises.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly on a Saturday," Miss Jenn walked into the bomb shelter; first, Carlos and I following behind her, our hands full of shopping bags, "or most of you all." Miss Jenn places her stuff down, taking note that two people are missing, "we're missing a tea-pot and a village idiot."

"Uh, I think Kourtney and Big Red are at the pizza place," Ricky informs Miss Jenn.

Seb nods in agreement, "Yeah, Kourtney texted in the group; they said they couldn't get anyone to cover their shifts." Carlos and I share a look from behind Miss Jenn, both shaking our heads at Seb; we have two group chats, one with Miss Jenn and one without.

"Oh..." Miss Jenn fishes her phone out of her pocket, "I didn't see that text."

"I mean the group chat with me and EJ," Seb makes up on the spot, shooting us all a quick thumbs up.

Miss Jenn doesn't question it though, "Well, back to the matter at hand, I can tell from your solemn faces you've all seen... the video."

Carlos and I walk forward, standing on either side of Miss Jenn. "It's incredible; even I have no notes." He admits, throwing his hands around dramatically, "I can't believe they stole our show."

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