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None of us were in a celebrating mood after Nini blurted that she was moving; Nini and Ricky left first, and everyone else followed, slowly trickling out of the house, whispering amongst themselves about Nini's announcement.

The mood had been completely ruined, even though I'm sure Ricky was taking it harder than everyone else; we all still felt a little betrayed at the fact that Nini had waited until the day of to tell any of us; I wasn't mad at her; obviously. This was her dream; I was happy for her. Still, it felt wrong to continue having fun when Nini and Ricky were most likely about to break up.

"Are you sure you're okay about canceling tonight?" Ashlyn asked as I hugged her and Gina goodbye; we figured right now may not be the best time to have a celebratory New Year's sleepover.

The three of us pulled out of our group hug as Gina chimed in, "more importantly, are you sure you can handle the car ride home with EJ?"

I playfully roll my eyes, "I think I'll survive."

"Oh, I'm not worried about you... I'm scared for EJ." She corrected me; I shoved her playfully, causing Gina to throw her arms up in defense, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding...."

"You're hilarious," I remarked sarcastically, shaking my head as I walked out of the living room and over to the front door, "Bye Ash, Bye G," I sang, just as I got to the door, I found EJ, who was just about to leave, "Hold up Caswell, I need a ride."

"Awe," He cooed, shutting the door behind him, "you missed me already?" I ignore his comment, sliding my coat on, before walking past him into the cold winter air. EJ followed behind, unlocking the door so I could slide into the passenger seat before sliding into the driver's seat and pulling out of his cousins driveway.

The walk from Ashlyn's to EJ and I's neighborhood wasn't long, but I was happy I didn't have to walk it tonight; Utah winters can be pretty brutal, so much so that I'd rather take an awkward car ride with EJ than walk. "So..." EJ broke the silence, "that party ended interestingly." I don't even bother humming in response. Instead, I keep my gaze focused on the snow falling outside, "then again, I guess they all do." I glance over at him, my brows furrowed, which he catches out of the corner of his eye.

"Thanksgiving." He reminded me as if it were obvious; now that I think about it, though, thanksgiving had ended just horribly as New Years. Except at that party, Gina was moving, though Ricky and Nini still got into a fight at that party too... I just hope it wouldn't break them apart; I know much both of them care for one another; I just want them to be happy.

"Do you think Ricky and Nini will be okay?" I finally speak up, turning my attention back to the road ahead, though I can't help but watch EJ's reaction out of the corner of my eye. He's shocked I spoke to him, but I couldn't help it; when I'm worried, I need to talk to people, and unfortunately, EJ is the only person I have at the moment.

"I think so," He said, nodding his head slightly, "their Ricky and Nini, they always work it out in the end."

"I guess you would know that better than anyone, huh?" I remark, referring to him and Nini's brief relationship last summer; then again, maybe they would have lasted a little longer if he hadn't been a total douche.

"Was that a joke?" EJ asked, pretending to be shocked, "we're already at the joking stage of our friendship? It seems to me like we're making some progress."

The smirk dancing across my lips fell, "No jokes here, just being honest." I held my hands up in defense before dropping them onto my lap.

EJ shook his head in response as if he found what I was saying to be amusing, pulling into his driveway. I exited the car as soon as he parked, happy to be out of the small space and in the privacy of my new room, "Rory," Bella squealed as soon as I walked in the house, running over to me.

Before I could ask why she was still up, Mrs. Caswell walked up behind her, "Someone refused to go to sleep until the big kids came home," She informs me, nodding towards Bella, who has her arms wrapped around my legs. "Her puppy dog eyes are very convincing."

I laughed at that, "Bell, aren't you tired?" I asked, running my fingers through her hair.

She shook her head in response, but the yawn that escaped her lips said otherwise, "I wanna hear about the party," She admits, tiredly glancing up at me.

EJ walks in the house, causing Bella to look at him instead, "Hey Bella boo," He swoops the tired seven-year-old into his arms with ease, "What are you doing up?"

"I'll tell you about the party in the morning," I reassure her, deciding to ignore the fact that EJ and her were somehow close already; it turns out even my little sister wasn't immune to his charm, "let's get some sleep first."

Bella nodded, holding her pinky up to me, "promise?"

I linked my pinky through hers, shaking our hands, "promise." Satisfied with my response, Bella nuzzles her head into EJ's chest, finally shutting her tired eyes, "I can take her." I offer, holding my hands out.

"It's okay, I got her," EJ reassured, gently walking up the stairs with Bella in his arms. I didn't know how to feel about it; on the one hand, I was glad Bella felt comfortable with the Caswells, but on the other, I'm her big sister, a part of me worries she'll get too attached to EJ, who I fear will let her down.

I followed EJ up the stairs and into the room that Bella was staying in; unlike my room, it was covered in all her toys, making it look much more of her own; as soon as EJ placed her in bed, she nestled her head on the pillow, "Goodnight Bella," I kissed the top of her head, pulling her blanket up, "Sweet dreams." She was out before I could finish saying goodnight, with soft snores escaping her lips.

I shut her door on my way out, EJ following behind me, "So, you got any plans for the rest of winter break? Cause I was thinking-"

I cut him off before he can finish his sentence; what part of we're not friends does he not understand? "what are you doing?"

"Oh, uh, well I-"

"You really think I'm just gonna forget everything because you gave me a ride and carried my little sister up the stairs?" I ask; EJ awkwardly nods his head, "look, it obvious we can't avoid each other like we used to; but we're not friends, Caswell; the sooner you get that, the easier this whole thing will be... just quit trying." I know it's harsh, but EJ wasn't getting it, and I was done being patient about it.

"Fine," He nodded, stepping closer to me, "but you'll see, I don't wanna be the EJ from last semester anymore; I want to fix what I broke, and if you happen to notice that I'm still the same kid you used to spend every day with, and wanna be friends again, I won't say no."

He was relentless, but I knew I was strong enough to not fall into whatever trap he was preparing, "Fine," I nodded, crossing my arms across my chest, "and you'll see, I'm not the same girl from when we were kids, I don't need you to make me feel like I matter, I can do that all on my own now... So good luck, 'cause I'm a lot stronger now than I was then."

EJ smirked, holding his hand out to me, "may the best man or woman win."

I don't bother shaking his hand, "I will, thanks." I smirk back, entering my bedroom, shutting the door behind me, leaving EJ alone in the hallway. I had no doubt I'd win whatever weird bet we just placed; I didn't need EJ Caswell, I haven't for a long time.

I really love this chapter and I hope you do too!❤️❤️
Important question: so our girl Aurora is the stage manager, but should she audition for the play this semester?
And if sooooo what role should should she get? I'm kind of leaning away from Belle, so anything but that ... what do you guys think?

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