I continued to walk through the dark halls of the cages, trying to ignore the pleading calls of the beaten doctors inside their cell. Melie breathed heavily, I never noticed she showed fear, just like when we were kids. 

It wasn't until I heard a voice call my name. 

I froze. 

It was an old man's voice. Raspy and gentle, The way he said my name. It's like he knew who I was. I turned around to the voice on the left cage of me, I froze again. 

It was Laurentis. 

The same old man shape, His scruffy beard. His blue deep eyes, I couldn't believe it was him. I bent down to his size, He was on his knees. ''Amicia...Is that you?'' He asked, his voice gentle. My voice began to break. ''Y-Yes, Laurentis. It's me.'' I replied, holding back tears. He let out a small chuckle, He reached out his hand to me. ''My, My. Amicia. You have grown, My dear. Why is there blood all over you- Oh no. Amicia...You shouldn't be here. Get out, quickly!'' She warned, I shook my head. ''No...I'm not leaving you. Hugo is sick, Laurentis. He has terrible headaches...Odd veins are covering his neck...I need you, Laurentis! I came all this way for you.'' I pleaded, Looking at Melie. She was silent, staring at me back. ''Amicia...You didn't have to. And Hugo...That's not good. If he is that sick...I believe I can try to make it. Is anyone with you?'' He asked, I led Melie over. He gasped gently in surprise. ''Melanie! Wow....You have gotten old as well...Nice mask.'' He chuckled, She didn't answer. ''Laurentis...She goes by Melie now.'' I recalled, She nodded, smiling at me. He nodded, trying to look around. 

''Where's Hugo?'' He asked, examining around Me. ''Um- Well before this...Hugo and I made two friends, Joel and Ellie. They are watching Hugo right now...They will pick us up on Joel's horse in just a couple of minutes, we should get going.'' I replied, Laurentis looking at the lock on the cell. ''Amicia...You need a key to open the cell...How will you-'' Melie reached out a key to me, I blushed and unlocked Laurentis's cage. I smiled as I helped him up, He winced. ''Can you walk?'' I asked, leading him out of the cage. ''A little...I can run just a smidge though.'' He replied, I nodded back at him. 

Melie gasped, My head snapped at the door before us. 

It was the door that we used to get in here. It was pounding. It looked like the door was going to break down. 

It was the mobs. 

Melie panicked, She ran to a small glass window inside Laurentis's cage, She broke it with a brick. ''Fuck! Come on! Get through this window! Come on!'' She yelled, I walked Laurentis forward as Melie climbed through the window first quickly, I helped Laurentis through the window gently, I panicked as I heard mobs charging in. But it couldn't beat the pleading screams of help from the other doctors in their cages. I panicked and threw to a doctor across from Laurentis.''Come on! Melie! The mobs are getting closer!'' I yelled of fear, panicking and breaking through anther small window as a man came towards me, I made it out the window in time and busted through the glass,  Sliding down the top of the university and falling to the floor....Running as billions of other rmobs charged after Melie, Laurentis and I. 

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